|24| Still Mad

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Naris and Christina were still in Florida doing their thing. His work had tripled over the last four months and she was in a higher position. She was now six months along with their baby and he felt it was time for her to get off her feet. Of course, there was no easy compromising with a strong minded black woman. She felt that she could work up until her big pop.

Christina was now the supervisor of three teams in the building. She was working her way to the top. Shayy had been giving her a lot of tips and motivation on how important it was for a black woman to get to the top of a white man's business with only her skills. She coached Christina through a lot, especially with the pregnancy and dealing with her hardheaded son.

"Ma, he's crazy. He thinks that I'm just going to lay around in bed all day for three more months and do nothing. What kind of crap is that?"

"The kind of crap Rodriguez men like to throw around. He witnessed that with Nigel and I. Nigel expected me to just sit on my ass and let him take care of everything, like that was ever going to happen. At the end of the day, just make sure the work you're putting in isn't causing any stress on the baby. That's the biggest issue."

"I understand that. Oh, I forgot to tell you, we're having a boy."

"Oh yay. I love it. I already have my granddaughter, now a grandson. Did you two choose a name?"

"We're stuck between Orlondo and Andres."

"Why not Andres Orlondo or Orlondo Andres?"

"I don't like them together. I mean, when you say it with the accent, it's okay but I was thinking Orlondo Nemier or Andres Cortei,"

"Oh, I do like those. I am leaning more with the Orlondo. His nickname would be Oreo." Shayy laughed.

"Ma, have you been smoking?" Christina burst into laughter.

"Well..." Shayy laughed with her. She was definitely high and wanting Oreo's but the Orlondo name was cute.

"You are a mess. But, I'll tell Naris you like it. He's doing an art show right now."

"Where are you?"

"Wondering the halls. He says that he loves my support but I make him shy whenever he's selling his work." She looked at various works of art. "Ma, he's doing amazing. Like, amazing. He was actually afraid when he came down here, thinking that he wouldn't sell good but he's proved himself wrong."

"I'm proud of him. I'm proud of the both of you. That's what you call a power couple."

"Just like you and Pops. I really want to thank you guys for giving me an opportunity to work for you and for talking sense into your son."

"Chris, I didn't have to say much to him. He let me know how he felt about you. He's had his sense all along, he just let those crazy boys of his get in his head. Speaking of, they said that you guys were letting them visit this weekend?"

"Uh, no. I didn't agree to that. He knows that I don't like them for that."

"Well, considering they're still his best friends, he probably agreed to it. So, you better talk to him."

"Ugh. He's bugging." She groaned. "I will call you later."

"Okay love." Shayy hung up.

After Naris' show and selling over sixteen thousand dollars worth of work, they headed out for dinner. He was so stoked and needed to celebrate. He'd have to wait until they safely got home to have a drink but a nice expensive dinner would be lovely.

"I promise that one day I'll get over being nervous when you're in the room." He smiled as he drove down the strip on South Beach.

"Why didn't you tell me you invited your friends to stay with us?"

Family Business (L&B Sequel) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now