|20| Quickie Part 1

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1 week later

Natasha was constantly celebrating her engagement to Tjay day in and day out. She had to make up for lost time. They made love like there was no tomorrow. The more time she spent with him, the happier she was. She was eating, she'd gained four pounds, although slim, her face was looking more hydrated, she was happy to start her days and her depression had completely subsided. Tjay was definitely bringing out the best in her. She was so thankful for that.

Tjay on the other hand was just as thankful but he still hadn't worked up the nerves to propose a quick wedding. Knowing Natasha, a quick wedding was the last thing that she would want but he had to try. He wanted to be married before their baby was born. Shayy and Nigel were even questioning about the quick wedding.

"Babe, can I ask you something serious?" Tjay asked as they lay in bed after their third round of sex that day.

"What's up?" She tilted her head to look at him.

"You said that you wished we were married before the baby, right?"

"Yes. But, it's too late. I'm almost five months pregnant."

"What if we have a small wedding before the baby comes, then later when you're ready, we have a big one?"

"I don't want to be pregnant and big in a wedding dress. As you can see, I'm starting to gain weight."

"What about a dress that doesn't show the baby. Like, don't they make wedding gowns that are kind of open and flow a little? I mean, again, this wouldn't be our official wedding but it would mean that we're not bringing a baby into this world out of wedlock. Your parents think it's a good idea."

"You've talked to my parents about a quick wedding and they're supporting the idea?"

"Yeah. Your mom said if you were open to the quick wedding, she could get her wedding planner friend to come up with something small and elegant, then when we're ready, like after the baby weight and shit, we can work with her to plan everything that you want."

"So, you really want to get married twice?"

"If I have to marry you twenty times, I'll thoroughly enjoy it because it's you." He kissed her lips. "Think about it."

"When did you want to have the quick wedding?"

"Next weekend would be great to give your mom some time to get this set."

"Okay, can I let you know tomorrow?"

"Whatever you want to do baby, I'm fine with it. Just trying to put you and our baby first." He smiled.

"I love you so much for that."

"I love you too baby." He held onto her.

The following day, Natasha and Tjay headed to her house. She needed to talk to her mom to see exactly what this quick wedding would be like. She did want to be married before the baby but it was nerve wrecking. She would have to get use to being a wife and a mother at the same time that she would have to let go of being a spoiled brat. It would mean that she wasn't the center of attention, she had to share the spotlight with her husband and her child.

They sat down at the bar and like always, Shayy has something for them to eat. Natasha ate all of the chicken her little body could consume. She was so happy to be able to eat. Tjay was on his second plate by the time she'd finished hers. She laughed at him.

"Don't think she doesn't know how to cook. I've taught her well." Shayy said.

"She's never in two years, ever, cooked for me." Tjay shook his head.

"You sure you want to marry a spoiled brat?" Shayy looked between the two.

"Mama, I'm gonna cook for him. I'm going to do everything for him that a wife is supposed to do. I just, it's going to take some getting use to. I'm about to be a wife and a mother all in the next four months." Natasha said before sipping her drink.

"Wait, so you're going to do the quick wedding?" Shayy paused.

"Yes ma'am, I am." Natasha looked at Tjay. He smiled big. "So what do you have in mind?"

"Let me call your Uncles." Shayy smiled as she ran to the office to get her phone. "Nigel! Natasha is getting married!!!" Shayy yelled.

He came from the theater room and walked into the kitchen where they all were. He stood next to his wife and looked at his daughter. He could read her very well, sometimes.

"You sure you wanna do this?" He asked.

"Yes. I would like for the baby to be brought into the world with married parents. And then later on, we can have the big wedding. I want a really big wedding, Daddy." She said.

"Anything my princess wants, she can get. Just make sure that you two are married forever. I will only fund one wedding." He smiled.

"She's not going anywhere. We'll do everything to make it work. You two and my parents are definitely relationship goals." Tjay laughed.

"Make it better than either of ours." Shayy responded as she dialed out Cyrus' number. "Love, I need you and the Mr. to take a vacation this week and help me plan Natasha's wedding... Yeah... I know, I'm excited too... I'll have Nigel put it in the system tomorrow... Sure he will... Okay... See you later love."

"Sure he will what?" Nigel asked looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Put them both in the system for vacation." Shayy smiled. "Ohmigod. My baby is getting married and having a baby."

"This is so exciting and nerve wrecking." Natasha smiled. "I really wanna thank you guys for being so supportive of our relationship and Tjay, I want to thank you for putting up with me and loving me enough to even consider marrying me." She was now crying. "Ohmigod. These hormones are turning me into a big punk." She laughed.

"Just wait until you're six months pregnant with a big belly, that's when the fun begins." Shayy held Natasha's hand in hers. "You're gonna be glad that he married you and has no way out."

"It's a setup man." Nigel looked at Tjay.

"A setup, you say?" Shayy glared at him. He tried to hug her but she pushed him away. "We'll see how much of a setup it is when your ass in on the couch."

"Baby, I was joking." He grabbed a hold of her and backed her into the wall. "Marrying you has been the best decision I've ever made. I told you that before and I meant it." He kissed her lips.

Natasha smiled at her parents and laid her head on Tjay's shoulder. She was definitely hoping to have something similar to that. Her parents were still madly in love and it'd been almost 16 years. Anyone lucky enough to find love and stay completely in love that long was definitely an idol to have.

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