|3| Never Too Old

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Nigel and Shayy lay in bed all day. Naris was still suffering from a hang over and Natasha actually volunteered to work Naris' shift. She looked stressed out and told her mom that she needed a distraction. Shayy let her be. She would eventually get the story because the kids trusted to talk to her.

"Baby, come on." Nigel said laying in the center of the bed, naked. He and Shayy had finished two rounds and he was craving to be inside his wife again.

"I can't. I'm too old to be going on like this." Shayy said standing against the wall. She was sore and tired from the gut pounding sex.

"Yeah right! Just last week, you took me on for four rounds."

"I had a red bull that day." She responded.

"Whatever. Get your ass over here." He growled.

She felt her legs go weak as the tone of his voice livened her clit. She couldn't move if she wanted to. Nigel counted to ten in his head and got up. She slid to the floor as he approached her. She knew she was going to be completely weak.

He stood in front of her with his dick pointing straight to her face. Her mouth watered and she felt herself leaking. He stepped closer and she could feel his dick in her personal space. She looked up at him and he smirked. He knew she wanted it no matter how tired she claimed to be.

Shayy parted her lips slowly until her mouth was wide enough for him to slide in. He slid himself in her mouth slowly. Her lips wrapped around him and she tasted herself. She moaned and he stepped closer, putting himself further into her mouth. She began sucking him, hands free. He placed his hands on the wall above her head and watched her every move. No matter how old they got, they still sexed each other like their first time together.

"Fuck woman." He groaned. She was putting her all into it. He was closed to coming and he wanted to be inside of her when he did.

Just when she thought she had him, he pulled himself out of her mouth causing a popping sound. She looked up at him like he was crazy. He laughed and pulled her up off the floor. He turned her around and pushed her body into the wall. He grabbed himself and placed the head at the entrance.

Shayy wiggled, wanting him inside. He teased her rubbing the head up and down her slit. She pushed back on him, but he stopped her. She was just complaining about not being able to take another round and here she was, hot and ready to control things.

"Oh, no you don't woman. I got this." He said grabbed a hold of her left arm and slid inside of her.

"Ahhh, fuck." She moaned. He pushed himself all the way in and pulled out completely. "What the fuck are you-", she started but he rammed himself back inside. She yelled out as he went full force in her.

Nigel loved when she talked shit and could barely back it up in sex. But, it made it more interesting if he talked shit to her, and she would try her hardest to prove a point to him. That's what made their sex life amazing.

"Baby, I'm coming." She yelled.

"I'm coming with you." He grunted as he stroked in and out of her.

"Fuck!!!" She screamed and they both came. "Okay, okay. I'm really done this time." She said resting against the wall with him still inside of her.

"I'll let you slide this time." He kissed her neck and shoulders. "I love you woman."

"I love you too, man." She pushed him away from her with her ass. His manhood slid out with a wet pop.


The next morning, Shayy got up and made her family breakfast. Five kids to feed was hard work but she enjoyed making sure her family was good before everyone started their day and went separate ways.

"Good morning mommy." Synyai walked into the kitchen in her Tinkerbell pajamas.

"Good morning baby girl. Hope you're hungry. I have everything this morning." Shayy was extremely cheerful.

"Morning Ma." Naris walked in wearing his wife beater, gym shorts and slipons.

"Morning my love." She responded. Her kids came in one by one, Natasha being the last and coming through the front door.

"Hey mommy. Hey brothers. Hi sister." She was too happy.

"Someone is in a good mood." Synyai commented.

"It's called sex." Naris said. "Clearly her and Ma got some last night."

"Ewwww." Juan and Junior said.

"I did not, I just had a much needed night with my friends. And ewww... Mama, aren't you and daddy too old for that?" Natasha asked.

"Never too old to make love to your spouse." Nigel walked in shirtless, with Versace pajama bottoms on. He walked right up behind his wife and kissed her.

"Gross." Natasha said.

"Aye, don't knock what my wife and I do." Nigel kissed Shayy's neck.

"Stop it." She fixed their plates up to their liking and they sat to the table as a family.

"So, what's the schedule?" Naris asked.

"Uh, I'll drop Syn and Juan off, Natasha will drop Junior off. Nigel will pick Syn up for ballet, Naris will get Junior for football practice after his shift and Natasha can take Juan to his art class. I will be at the office until 9 tonight."

"Can we swap?" Natasha asked Naris.

"Nope, there are some fly cougars on the field for practice "

"Uh, Christina..." Shayy looked at her son. That was not the type of man she raised.

"She ain't got to know."

"That's why females have trust issues." Shayy responded.

"You have trust issues?" Nigel asked.

"No. I know you're not crazy." Shayy checked her husband.

"Oooooh, pops. Moms got you on lock." Naris laughed.

"I'm not ashamed of it." Nigel responded. "That's what makes our marriage work."

"I hope one day, I have a marriage like mommy and daddy." Synyai smiled at her parents.

"Yep, once you turn 40." Nigel smiled back.


"What? No boyfriends until you're 30."

"That's not fair. Tashi starting dating at my age."

"Yeah and look how that turned out." Natasha responded. "It's best to wait sissy. Trust me." Natasha finished up her food and headed upstairs to call Tjay.

"Well, you guys have less than an hour to get ready. Finish up, clean your dishes and everyone needs to be out of the house by 7." Shayy got up.

"I'll clean the dishes baby." Nigel said as she was about to start washing dishes. "Gone and get yourself suited up. Don't wear nothing too tight. I don't like the way those new guys look at you."

"I do. It makes me feel sexy." She winked.

"Don't play with me, woman."

"I'm joking baby. Doesn't matter who looks, it's all yours." She walked over and kissed his lips. "I love you, King."

"I love you too, my queen." He responded and smacked her on the ass when she stood up.

"You guys are too old to be acting like that." Natasha laughed, but was deeply happy to have her parents so in love and full of youth.

"Never too old to act-be in love." Nigel smiled at his wife.

"Chop chop kiddos." Shayy headed upstairs with a smile.

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