|29| Daughters

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Two Months Later

Mariana finally decided to call up the Rodriguez household and let Nigel know that she'd be visiting soon. She just needed to see if her girlfriend would come along. She'd barely communicated with them by phone but texted Nigel and Shayy a few times a week to let them know she was okay.
Nigel couldn't contain his happiness about her coming to visit. He told all his kids to have themselves back at home to meet Mariana. Naris and Christina were free to make the trip, Natasha and Nala were on the way but Tjay would need a few more days. He wanted her to meet everyone.

Mariana finally made it to the house with her girlfriend in tow. Nigel was standing at the door and extremely surprised to see that Mariana's Misha used to be Natasha's Misha.

"It really is Mr. Rodriguez...." Misha whispered. She already looked surprised walking up to the more than familiar home.

"Misha. Long time no see, baby girl." He hugged her then Mariana.

"You two know each other... how?" Mariana asked.

"Your new sister is my ex-best friend." Misha responded.

"You're joking right?" Mariana looked between Nigel and Misha.

"That would be true." Natasha said pushing pass her father. "Hi, you clearly are Mariana. I'm your older sister Natasha. Please come back when she's not with you." Natasha smiled and went back into the house.

"Natasha!" Nigel called after her. She ignored him and went into the kitchen with her mom. "I'm sorry Mariana. Excuse your sister. You girls come in."

"Mr. Rodriguez, I'm not coming in there if she plans to kill me." Misha said.

"No one is killing anyone. Come in." He responded stepping out and grabbing their luggage. They went inside.

Mariana and Misha were greeted by eager faces. She could definitely see the similarities between her and what she presumed to be her siblings. She could also see that the family was one big interracial movement. 

"Hi Mariana, I'm Naris, your big brother and this is my fiance Christina." He walked up and hugged her. They spoke. "What's up Misha?" He pulled her ponytail.

"Stop, asshole." She whispered so his parents wouldn't hear.

"This is your little sister Synyai and your little brother's, Juan and Junior." Nigel introduced them. They only waved.

"I get rid of one sister and you bring back another." Synyai shook her head and walked into the kitchen. Mariana's eyes widened. 

"Excuse me." Nigel went into the kitchen where his spoiled, inconsiderate daughters sat with their mother.

"Don't." Shayy said hearing him walk in. "Give them time to adjust. They will apologize for their rudeness." Shayy looked at her daughters who responded with understanding looks. Nigel shook his head and walked out.

The meeting wasn't what he expected it to be. He was hoping his kids would all show the home training they had but then he forgot he helped raise a bunch of spoiled brats, especially his daughters. He was now bringing a third one into the equation. He couldn't believe he had so many kids. Growing up, he would've never imagined.

"Hey Mariana. Hey Misha." Shayy walked into the living room where everyone was sitting down finally. Shayy gave the girls hugged then turned to see her spoiled daughters behind her. She gave them a look.

"Sorry." They both looked at Mariana.

"It's okay. I could understand the feeling." Mariana gave a weak smile. She was still nervous around everyone. She was nervous that she would have to get used to a new family but this would be her true family.

Family Business (L&B Sequel) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now