Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"My name's Drake, What's yours?" He asked me while sticking his hand out for a hand shake.

"It's Crystal." I replied as I accepted his hand. I felt a change connection with Drake as if he was not an ordinary boy. "I have to get to class, I have already missed a few lessons and I really need to catch up." I smiled at him and he smiled back with shot tingles in my lips.

I headed off to my next class which was Maths. I'm a nerd for maths. Numbers just get me aroused.

As I walked away I could feel Drake staring at me, but the stares didn't feel like everyone elses which pieced through me. It felt exciting.

As I sat down I was immediately the main focus of the class. Some stupid idiot through a scrunched up paper at me. When I opened it up he had a picture of me hanging on a tree by the neck. Not a very good drawing. I placed my hand on my neck. I could almost picture the rope.

I could feel rage inside of me. I could feel the energy getting stronger in my hands. I didn't deserve this. I turned to the boy who threw it at me, I started to charm a spell which would cause him to get spots and fur. Most people care about their looks.

As i was about to finish I felt someone grab me from behind and cover my mouth. It was Drake.

"Don't give us away." He whispered. 

A/N Sorry if this chapter was short. I went out yesterday and I am going out again today so my next chapter may be tonight ot tomorrow morning. Thank you so much for the reads and votes :) I'm number 198 for Spiritual and 982 for Short Stories :D x

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