Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The fire spread throughout the whole cabin. Nearby trees were starting to catch fire also. Ash and smoke filled the air making it hard to breath. Did i do this?

More screams alerted me that this was real. I had to find Alex. People were pushing and shoving their way out of the cabin. It was hard to tell who was who because of their faces covered in ash. I could feel the stares piecing through me. If I had done this then I don't want people to know.

I ran through the forest as fast as I could. I could breath a bit more as i became more distanced from the cabin. Everything started to get creepy around me the further i ran; i didn't know where I was heading. I could hear noises coming from every direction, was i even going the right way?

I stopped to take a deep breathe. My mind ran wild with thoughts of what could have happened back there. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard twigs snap behind me. I shot my head back and saw a figure chasing me. Maybe it was Alex? I focused my eyes on the figure but it wasnt Alex!

I started to run again. Maybe they were just coming from the cabin but something about them seemed creepy. I could feel my body becoming ice cold even though the running should have increased my body temperature, again i turned back and saw the figure getting even closer. My heart was hitting my chest hard. I was panting heavier. I didn't know who this person was but i know they were after me.

I tripped on a branch and landed on the hard ground, I tired to look back at the figure but everything looked blurry. Now that i thought about it this seemed like it was one of my nightmares!

I took one last breathe "Alex, help me." I then felt myself blackout.

A/N Thanks for the views and votes, keep it up :) x

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