Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"Uncontrollable magic caused the the cabin to catch fire." I said with such confusion. That was the tip of the ice burg to cause me to break down. They both looked at me with compassion. "This sounds crazy! How the hell is this possible? Does that make me a murderer now?" I screamed. I couldn't speak after that. I killed maybe more than 20 people from something I didn't even know existed. I killed Alex, my best friend.

"What made this magic uncontrollable?" I couldn't look into their eyes. I didn't deserve such compassion from their innocent hearts.

"I know it may sound crazy but you have to believe us, we want to help you. We can't say too much now. By your reaction I can see you didn't now about magic till that night. Did you do something on that day which caused your magic to be become noticeable?" Ruth said.

I looked up and tried to remember everything which happened that night, but the more I thought about it the less I wanted to think.

"My..err..hands." I started "They felt hotter than usually...."

Steve cut me off "This is useless, she probably doesn't even know anything and has decided to make things up."

"Let her finish, she'e confused as it is, she does not need you making her feel bad." Ruth said. I liked it that she stood up for me. 

"My hands started glowing.." I looked at them expecting a crazy look from them like I was mental and needed to be reformed. Nothing.

"A common sign of magic forming. What did you do before you noticed this?" Ruth questioned.

I tried to think but I just couldn't remember. I closed my eyes, tried to picture that night. 

"There was a creepy guy. He...gave me something."

"What was it Crystal?" Steve said. I could see he was kinda excited to know.

"A pill." I hesitated. I felt like I was being punished for cheating on a pop quiz. "When can I go home?" 

"When we found out what this pill was and if it has left your blood stream." Steve said.

"Were there any survivors called Alex" I quickly said.

Ruth looked at me and I could see the sorrow in her eyes. She turned away and at that moment i felt like my whole world had turned to stone.

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