Chapter 21

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"5, 6, 7, 8. There you go unnie. Up down, slide....jump."

I was watching these 5 girls dance. They're not bad at all, they're great. Am I dreaming again? I looked around. Am I at the training center? What the hell? I shook my head so I could focus on the routine these girls are doing. I looked at each of their faces, and these were the girls from the other dreams. They were fantastic dancers.

"Come on pick up the speed ladies. Debut is around the corner."

Debut? What?

"Lia can we take a break."

"No. Guys come on. I want this to be perfect and I'm trying to take out all the little mistakes that are still there. Haven't you ever heard of 'practice makes permanent'?"

They all looked at me confused maybe because my Korean sounds like shit. The girl that was mid height with long black hair put her hands on her hips but spoke in English.

"Don't you mean 'practice makes perfect'?"

"No. You practice something the same way and it'll get stuck in your head, so you want fix it before it permanently stays."

The really tall girl nodded her head.

"Makes sense."

I smiled.

"From the top and if we can make it through with no mistakes we can leave. I'll even buy dinner. Deal?"

The girls cheered. They danced with their hearts poured into it. No mistakes. I clapped and had them pack up. We left the dance room and headed over to get food.

"So where's dinner, Miss Leader?"

Leader? Me? No way. Something in me didn't want to go eat with them.

"Anywhere you want."

I got out my wallet and gave them some money. I handed it to the girl that was tomboy from last time.

"What's this?"

"Go ahead without me, I'm going to go home."

The girls giggled.

"Miss your man already?"

My man? All I did was give them a smile and walk off.

It's been a week since I've added vocal lessons on my schedule and the practices have gotten a bit longer because Taeyang and T.O.P have been preparing solo come backs and they've been coming in late or not at all so they're behind and I stay late to teach them. Unfortunately a few days ago Taeyang left to L.A. but he took Justin and Ruben with him so they can meet up with Parris for the routine he'll be doing. Julien has came up with a dance for T.O.P's performance and plus he's been editing the videos he's recorded and so on. Gus has been busy managing the crew and the Saturday classes. We're all nothing but exhausted from all the effort we're putting in. Today is Wednesday, I have vocal class right after school but the crew will be working on Saturday's lesson and then we have rehearsal at 11pm. 2:12pm. As soon as school ened I headed out the door straight to the training center. I took a nap in the van which was almost a 15 minute ride but felt like 5. I headed into the room of the singing teacher, and as soon as I got comfortable we began. The teacher spoke somewhat English but I was able to understand him and he's been helping me with Korean.

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