Chapter 34

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1 year later....

"Are you ready Sir?"

"Yes, may I have three tacos with everything on them and rice and beans."

"Yes you can. Do you need a refill on your drink?"

"Yes thank you."

I smiled and nodded as I took the receipt to the kitchen.


I turned to around and faced my boss, Jose.

Me - "Yeah?"

Jose - "I need you to take over table 12. Carla went on her break right now."

I looked over and saw that a family was barely getting comfortable. They didn't even have drinks yet.

Me - "But I'm already on table 4 and after that I'm done for the day."

Jose - "Well I promise that'll be your last table. Just take over."

He left but I groaned and did what he said. I started working at this Mexican restaurant a couple of months ago. Moving to Miami was such a struggle. I didn't tell you? After the baby passed I did nothing but morn for a good 6 months. I didn't want go to anywhere at all and I just stayed home until one day my mom got a hold of me and we talked. Julien tried to comfort me in the process but it just broke out into fights and I just preferred to be by myself. I also found out he was cheating on me at the beginning of us trying to work things out. I just broke down again and gave up. I honestly was at my worst and didn't know what to do with my life. I wasn't dancing, I wasn't in a relationship, I stopped writing songs, I stopped talking to people, I just couldn't do anything. I finally tried getting my shit together by doing school work online. And it worked! I graduated early and at my graduation party I found out Ethan was joining the Marines and after boot camp he was getting sent to Miami. I asked if I could go and he said yeah. My mom hated the idea and thought it wasn't right but she new I needed to get out of there. I wanted and needed a new start and I got it.


Me - "Okay! I'm gone!"

"Thanks Lia! See you next week."

I went to my car and after getting settled I took off. Ethan and I live off base in an apartment building that's equally 15 minutes from our works. Ethan has been such a great support system for me. When I was going through things with Julien, he was there for me. After the baby, he was there. I love Ethan to death and I couldn't ask for a better friend.

As I parked my car inside the building's garage, I see Ethan's car is here, which is weird cause he said he was working late tonight. I went up in the elevator and got off on our floor. Ethan and I live on the 25th floor of this tall ass building and is 6 doors down from the elevator. My life is really great and I'm happy with everything. When I unlocked the door I see Ethan and some of his friends from work in the living room laughing and drinking. Ethan turned around and smiled.

Ethan - "Hey Honey! You're home!"

Me - "Yeah! You shouldn't be."

Ethan - "Oh about that. I looked at the schedule wrong. I work late Tuesday. Not Thursday! Great right?"

I sarcastically smiled and headed for my room until I heard someone clear their throat. I stopped and looked around until I saw the cutest thing in the world, Max Gomez. The sweetest thing that could have ever happened to me. He works with Ethan and is actually older than Ethan. I met Max in this exact moment. Ethan invited people over and Max had happened to be there. And I'm glad. Apparently Max had kept asking about me afterwards and Ethan thought it be nice to give him my number. Max texts me everyday and calls every other night.

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