Chapter 24: Pt. 2

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Jinhwan - "On the count of three take them off. Ready?"




I took off the blindfold and I couldn't believe it. We were in this big ass room that had tables scattered and then a huge dance floor with the DJ to the side. The decorations were a bunch of balloons and streamers. Almost everyone we know from YG is there.


I turned around and looked at Hanbin and he gave me a smile.

Hanbin - "Surprise."

I looked back at the group of people and they all kept smiles.

Gus - "What is this?"

CL - "A party for you guys!"

We all looked at each other confused. None of us are good with surprises and so we honestly don't know what to say.

GD - "You going to keep standing there or are you going to come party."

We looked at each other one more time but with a smile.

Ruben, Justin and Dylan - "Let's party bitches!!"

Then they ran into the group of people. Sabrina, Heather and Karina went hand in hand to everyone. Josh and Gus walked with Jinhwan, Bobby, Donghyuk and Junhoe. Julien looked at me with a smile and grabbed my hand and started walking but before it was too late I grabbed Yunhyeong and he grabbed Hanbin. Everyone was there, YG, 2NE1, BIGBANG, Lee Hi, Epik High, Psy, Teddy, Kush, Masta Wu, Jinusean, Lydia and Marshall and Choice 37 was the DJ. There were a few artist that I pointed out like Jay Park, Dok2, The Quiett, but there were also other people that I didn't recognize.

We danced the night away. 2NE1 knows how to get down and Tukutz? That guy is so damn funny. I was super thirsty so I went to my table, sat down and drank some water. I looked are seeing everybody socialize and dance. Choice was killn' it tonight, he's super good. Lydia and Marshall came over to me and we started talking.

Lydia - "Like it?"

Me - "Yeah, did you plan this?"

She shook her head.

Me - "Well if it wasn't you then who?"

She shrugged her shoulders. I gave her the "are you for real right now" look.

Lydia - "I'm not even kidding, everyone I talked to said that they got a random text message a day after MAMA."

Me - "Even BIGBANG?"

She nodded her head. Well damn, I wonder if YG did this himself? Oh well, at least we get to go with a "big bang", oh my puns are terrible. I'm sorry. Later on in the night the music got a little low and everyone, I guess, ran out of energy and started talking amongst themselves. I was chatting with Jay Park and I kept going on about how big of a fan I am of his. No joke, I would dump Julien for Jay any day.

Jay - "So you got a beautiful voice in you. Are you planning to become a singer later in life?"

Me - "Actually, I wanted to keep dancing but earlier today I got offered by YG himself, to become a trainee there, but I haven't given him my answer just yet."

Jay - "Really? That's crazy, you should take it."

But I guess he thought of something after he said that.

Jay - "But do you think he'll debut you? Not to be rude or anything, but you don't really see non-asains becoming K-pop stars."

Me - "True, but he pointed out some very good points. Even if I don't debut through him, I could get discovered by someone else, but if that doesn't happen he wants me to be a choreographer there and then after I get experience, I'll become a teacher there."

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