Chapter 33

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It's been 2 weeks since the incident and in another 3 days I'm going back home. No one besides Julien knows I'm pregnant and I'm really scared to go home to break the news to everyone. After I got out the hospital I told YG that I wanted out. He tried to keep me but I told him I don't feel capable anymore and he finally agreed to let me go. It's hard to know that I won't be able to get live the life I wanted. Now I'll be changing diapers and breastfeeding a screaming child. I'm such an idiot!


I shot my head up. Raejin.

Me - "Oh hey. What's up?"

Raejin - "Are you okay? Why are you crying?"

Crying? I wiped my face, oh shit. I began to clean myself up.

Me - "It's because I'm so sad that I'm going back. I'm really mad you know?"

Raejin - "Yeah. We're really going miss you. You're a really cool girl."

Me - "Thank you. I'll see you in a little bit okay?"

Raejin - "Yeah."

He turned to walk away. I got up from the table I was sitting at and went to the soccer field. I hate myself. So much. How could I ruin my future like this? But I also hate Julien, he's such an idiot because he didn't check if the condom was good one or not. But it's also my fault cause I wanted to have sex. I put my head in between my legs. Calm down Lia. This damn child of mine is already an annoyance.


Now what? I looked up to see Hanbin coming down my way. He sat down next to me and just stared out to the field.

B.I - "What's wrong? You've been crying since you were in the hospital. I know you Lia please just tell me."

What can I tell him? After this baby, him and I can never be together. He won't want me and he'll think I'm a slut or something. That's it.

Me - "I messed up Binnie. You and I can never be together."

He looked at me.

B.I - "Why? Nothing is wrong with you! Julien? I could care less about him, he's not a problem-"

Me - "He is. Permanently. I like you Bin but I-I. Just know him and I won't be together but him and I have to be together."

His showed confusion. Shit that doesn't sound right.

Me - "Him and I have to deal with each other from now on but know I want you over him."


I got up and went to class.

10:55pm. I've slowly stopped going to training. Just so my body can get used to it. I miss it so much but I need to stop. Today I went but stayed less than I usually do. After I showered I looked at myself in the mirror. In a few weeks the belly will show more. I turned to the side. I already have a small one. Luckily my clothes are large so you can't see it. I'm so scared to tell my mom. She's going to kill me. But she can't get too mad either because she was a young mother, I think she was 17 when she had Cassie.

Julien's POV

I wonder how Milia's doing. I haven't told my family yet but since she's coming home tomorrow, I think tonight is a great time.

Dinner seems peaceful so far.

Me - "So anything new with anyone?"

Dad - "Nope."

Mom - "Nope."

Zack - "I got that new part I needed for my bike."

Dad - "Really where from?"

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