Chapter 9

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When we opened the door were we excited. Us girls started to jumping and yelling once we got into the room. We looked around, and this room was huge! There were three beds and a couch with a huge bathroom that had a tub, a shower, a double sink, a TV, and the toilet had a private room. We looked around the room until Sabrina called us over. We saw a box in front of her and a note in her hand and it read...

" I hope your flight was well. I'm very sorry about the upcoming weather, I'm sure you won't be use to it. Please stay warm and rest up because we have a long journey ahead of us. I look foward to seeing you tomorrow. Enjoy your stay. Good night.
   - YG "

Then we looked inside the box, and when we opened it there were black and white sweatshirts that had the crew's logo on the front and had our last names with double zeros on the back. Then we saw black beanies that had our names in white on them. God damn this cool! I'm so excited I want to start working already. I couldn't stop smiling and looking around at everything. This is gonna be good.

Whlie we were unpacking we heard someone banging on the door. Karina went to go look through the peephole and as she turned around while groaning and rolloing her eyes, she opened the door to reveal that it was the village idiots and the rest of the guys.

Justin - " Hello ladies. Missed me?"

Heather - " You're across the hall. Even if you were across the ocean I still wouldn't care. "

Justin - " When are you going to admit that you want me Heather? What? Can't handle this? "

Heather just looked at him, rolled her eyes, and walked away. Justin doesn't want to admit it but he has always had a crush on Heather and Heather has a crush on Justin too. So Justin always messes with Heather and Heather can find it either really cute or really annoying, and most of the time it's really annoying.

Everyone sat down where ever and started planning out what they wanted to do here. I was in the bathroom fixing my hair but I could hear them. I walked out and saw Julien was sitting on the couch so I went to go sit on his lap and put my arm over his shoulder and he put his arm around my waist and I jumped into the conversation.

Dylan - " I heard, the Han River is it?  I heard it's really pretty at night. "

Sabrina - " Oh yeah! I want to go there. I heard there's a boat. We should go there. "

I don't know how our schedule will be but I'm sure there'll be a few free days so we can go explore around Seoul. I personally want to see the Seoul Tower ( Namsan Tower ). I've heard it's really pretty at night. I was pulled out of my own thought when I felt someone shake me.

Me - " Huh? "

Julien - " I said, what do you want to do? "

Me - " Me? I want to see the Seoul Tower. I've seen pictures of it at night, and I think it looks really pretty."

Ruben - " Yeah right. You guys just want to do it while we're here so you guys can say you've done it in a forigen place or something."

Dylan smacked Ruben on the back of his head.

Me - " Thanks boo. "

Dylan smiled. Ruben is so fucking annoying. He believes we do it all the time when he haven't even done it once, we only tried at the party but as you know, it didn't work out. But not only Ruben, the rest of the crew. Everyone except for Dylan cause Dylan knows our relationship better then anyone else.

Julien - " We don't retard. "

Gus - " Yeah, none of that is gonna happen. I don't care if you two go on a date but no sex or anything like that is going to happen while we are here. Do you understand me? "

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