Chapter 3

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Julien then got up from his desk and came to the bed.

Julien - "Get your work out so we can start. Is it a lot?"

Me - " No. Not today. "

Julien is the best boyfriend/best friend. I'm so grateful for Julien. We have this bond between us that's unbreakable, we can't get enough of each other. Now don't misunderstand me. We haven't done anything sexy, I mean we just can't be away from each other. And the only real reason Julien is in the crew, is because of me.
Flashback ~~~~~~~
*In middle school*

It was in 8th grade. I was wondering about when I heard music blasting from our dance room. A lot people liked Julien saying he was model and what not but to me he was that one kid in my history class that hung out with mexican soccer kids and was the straight A kid too. Gus and I are in charge of adding new people in the crew. We were short 3 dancers but we've found 2 already, Karina and Heather. A lot of people wanted to join our crew for the popularity and cause they heard we're auditioning for ABDC. Anyways back to Julien dancing. I looked in the window and saw him going hard. He was so damn good I got jealous. I walked in but he didn't hear me cause of the music but then he did a b - boy trick and when he landed he spotted me in the mirror. He had the scared/confused/embarrassed look on his face. After that I followed him begging him to join our crew but he didn't want too. I told GG (Gus) about it and he wanted to see him dance. Anyways, long story short, Julien danced, Gus saw, Julien joined.

Julien - " Can you pronounce it?"

Me - " Can you pronounce it? "

Julien loves it when I play with him. He can be serious but he's dating me so he can't. Sometimes I just stare at him and wonder Why me? Why did he make me his girlfriend? Oh that's right! People say I look sexy when I perform. Awesome right? Even if it's a b - boy routine. But yeah, because of this guy, he makes want to work harder and continue to do what I do. And his family see me as their daughter so it's not like don't have someone to go to. When he realizes that I'm staring at him, he stares back. Him and his green eyes. Did I mention that he's hot? Every girl wants him. He's only 6'2 and 15. I know, I know I'm older than him by 9 months but they way he acts, it makes him seem older. But yeah we just stare at each other. Then. He kisses me. I love it when he kisses me. It's like time stopped and only we keep going. Stupid I know but, I can't help it. It's all good. Until his brothers ring the alarm. Then suddenly Ethan just barges in on us.

Ethan - " Hey~~~~ kids! Oops did I interrupt something? "

Julien - " Yes. Now get out. "

Ethan - " Mom says it's time to eat. Come on Milia. Let's go! "

Me - " Kay!! "

Julien is the youngest of 4 sons. RJ is first, Ethan is second, Zack third, and Julien forth. They're all good looking like super model status but I picked the best one. I hope.....

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