Chapter 29

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"I love you Milia! Please!"

Tears ran down my face.

"Jiyong stop, we have other things to worry about."

He was super mad. He looked around then suddenly punched the wall. I jumped back. He faced me,

"Look. I just need you to give me a chance, okay?"

"Oppa stop..."

I walked away from him in hopes he wouldn't follow me, but suddenly someone grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. I looked into his watery eyes and his nose was slightly red. I'm guessing because it's snowing and his jacket isn't thick enough for him.


I rolled around my bed. Damn. I must've missed this bed because I slept like a baby. I sat up and looked around, here I am again. I slightly smiled to myself. 8:27am. I took a shower and now I'm sitting here eating and waiting for my online classes to load. YG said he's going to put me in school by next week and I'm kind of scared, I heard Korean high school students are assholes if you're not from the right social status. Nevermind that Lia you got bigger fish to fry. 9:13am. Urrggh! This is so much I hate math! Geometry is too much, who in the hell is going to need to learn how to do graphs. I'm doing music not science. 12:48pm. Lunch time. I put some shoes on, grabbed my wallet, and headed out the door.

What do I want to eat? I don't have much money so I guess chicken will do. Awe fuck! The line is too long but, I don't feel like walking somewhere else so I'll have to endure it. 12:59pm. I played with my phone as I waited for my food. Jesus does it take this long for fucking chicken? I sighed but then someone cleared their throat. I looked up, Jinnie! I smiled and got up to hug him.

Me - "Hi Hyung."

He chuckled.

Jinhwan - "Lia-ssi, it's Oppa. Oh-pa."

Damn, I know.

Me - "I know but I find that word too girly for me."

Jinhwan - "Well I think it suites you."

I rolled my eyes with a smile.

Me - "Anyways, what are you doing here where are the others?"

Jinhwan - "They'll be here soon don't worry. We wanted to eat before we go to practice."

Wait a sec.

Me - "But today's Thursday. Isn't Junhoe, Donghyuk, and B.I in school?"

Jinhwan - "Yeah but Bobby, Yunhyeng, and I need to work too. While they're in school we practice and then there's a small break and then after they come home they get ready, then we all go together."

I nodded my head in understandment.

Jinhwan - "What about you? Shouldn't you be in school?"

Me - "YG is putting me in school next week but for right now I'm doing online classes and I do it for a few hours then I head over to the training center."

Suddenly they called my number. I looked back Jinhwan,

Me - "I gotta go. I'll see you later."

Jinhwan - "I'll see you later. Bye Lia."

I hugged him and then walked over to get my food. 3:32pm. I'm so tired but I need to get my shit together and head out. I looked out my window, the sky is gray and it's March so how in the hell is it gray? Whatever, I sat up and got my stuff together. 4:04pm. I walked in the building and greeted whoever came in view. I went straight to my vocal teacher's room and greeted him with a bow and a smile.

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