Chapter 28

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Urrggghhh it's such a boring day but I have to do as much work as possible before I leave. As I sat in Geometry doing my work I couldn't help but go back to the other night. That night...was something else. I haven't really talked to Julien since but we've been taking it easy. I'll see him in the hallway and wave to him and we'll talk during class but that's it. I haven't told anyone what happened but Omar is suspicious of me. He keeps asking if I'm okay and even though I say I'm fine he doesn't believe me. I checked the time on my phone 11:55am, 2 minutes til the bell. I started to pack up and as the last few seconds passed I used them walking out the door.

I sat by myself while Omar got his lunch. Only two more weeks until I leave back to Korea. I tossed my food around as I was lost in my thoughts. Suddenly I heard a loud slam against the table. It was the whole crew surrounding me, they began to sit down. Dylan sat in front of me and Gus next to me. I looked around at them and it was just an awkward silence. Finally after Heather made a loud, forced sigh they all looked at me.

Ruben - "So. How's it going?"

I started nodding,

Me - "Good. How about ya'll?"

they nodded too.

Gus - "Look we wanted to talk to you."

I looked him in the eyes. What's going on?

Karina - "We're sorry okay? We haven't been good friends to you since Korea."

Julien - "It's not fair that we've been being asses to you and not supporting you."

Josh - "You got a shot at be coming an artist. Something you've always wanted."

Heather - "We were just shocked. We always dreamed that we'd always be together and for you to suddenly leave us, made us mad."

Ruben - "Yeah. This crew has kept us out of trouble and is the most exciting thing I've ever done. It's better than soccer."

I smiled.

Justin - "We're sorry Li."

Sabrina - "Please forgive us."

I looked down at my hands and then back up. I'm seriously trying not to cry right now but there are things that need to be said.

Me - "You're right. You haven't been fair to me. You left me in a hospital by myself just because you wanted to come home."

They all looked away.

Me - "But look, I'm sorry that I want to experience more. Julien won't be doing the same thing, Karina might not either. You guys are stuck in dream land, we have to get our lives together at some point in time and I'm choosing to do it now."

They stayed quiet. I love them but they need to know. I looked up at Dylan.

Me - "And basically calling me selfish isn't right either."

Dylan - "I didn't call you that."

He had serious tone yet it sounded sad.

Me - "But that's what you meant."

Dylan - "Look Lia I don-"

I held hand up.

Me - "I forgive those who mean it."

Omar came up behind me as I stood. I grabbed my things and we left.

On my way home I was thinking about what happened at lunch. I feel bad but I'm not worried about that, about them. Having friends isn't a concern for me right now. 5:29pm. I've been slowly packing my things up, I'm taking my clothes and a few items and everything else will be put in storage. Our apartment only has three rooms, I have my own, my grandma has her own, and my mom and Rae share. When I leave Rae will get my room. Which I'm happy yet sad about.

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