Chapter 25: "Hey, don't break the door."

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As I opened my eyes, a chill ran down my spine, and a sense of unease washed over me. A hazy figure stood before me, silhouetted against an inky abyss. No matter how hard I squinted, I couldn't make out any details; it was as if the blinding light seeping from its ethereal form was both too intense and not bright enough to illuminate the oppressive darkness surrounding us. The air grew thick with an unsettling energy that pressed against my chest, making every breath a struggle. It felt as though I was caught in a twisted dream, a nightmare that refused to release me from its grasp.

My heart pounded in my chest as I desperately scanned the area for anything that could help me, but it was futile. There was nothing but emptiness around me as I knelt on the cold, hard floor. In a last-ditch effort, I frantically patted my pockets, searching for the familiar weight of my scalpel-the tool that had become an extension of myself throughout my medical career. But my fingers found nothing. I clenched my fists, ready to defend myself if the need arose-if the shadowy figure dared to come any closer. Just when I thought I couldn't take the tension anymore, the light grew brighter, illuminating the room in a soft glow.

That's when I saw them-the wings. They were mesmerizing, their ethereal beauty both comforting and terrifying at the same time. The celestial being had its back to me, and I was frozen in place, unable to process what I was seeing. Could this be an angel? The thought raced through my mind, but I couldn't be certain. All I knew was that I was in the presence of something otherworldly, something beyond my wildest imagination.

Before I even had time to think, the angel slowly raised a saw from the ground and began to methodically cut away at its radiant wings.

It took its time, careful not to make any mistakes, as it sliced off each individual feather.

Despite being covered in a veil of darkness, I could still feel the excruciating, searing pain as the feathers fell away, leaving behind exposed flesh.

Each cut brought forth a torrent of blood that drained out of the angel's winged back, staining the dark abyss in crimson.

Witnessing the angelic being methodically cutting away at its own wings, I found myself on a whirlwind of emotions. Initially, the sight of this divine presence had brought a surge of relief, washing away the terror that had gripped me when I first laid eyes on the shadowy figure. But now, as each glowing feather fell to the ground in agonizing slow motion, I felt the ground beneath me begin to shift once again.

I could feel my chest tighten as my initial relief gave way to a gnawing fear. What was once a beacon of hope had become an incomprehensible nightmare, leaving me questioning my own sanity. My eyes darted between the bloodstained feathers scattered at my feet and the mutilated wings above, searching for some semblance of understanding. Was this celestial being truly an angel, or had I crossed paths with a divine embodiment of darkness and despair?

The silence was abruptly shattered as the angel ceased its gruesome task. Slowly, it turned to face me, its ethereal gaze locking onto mine. Although its features were shrouded in darkness, I could sense a menacing grin twisting its once divine visage. The shadows seemed to dance and distort the angel's face, as if reflecting the turmoil churning within my own soul.

The air grew thick with a metallic tang that clung to my tongue, its bitter taste invading my mouth. In that moment, I believed the horrific scene before me to be the source of the blood I tasted. But as my panic swelled, I realized the true origin. My tongue probed my loosening teeth as a warm, salty liquid coated my lips. Trembling fingers clutched at the small, ivory objects that were once firmly rooted within my gums-my own teeth now dislodged and bathed in crimson. Helplessness consumed me, a violent wave crashing against the shores of my sanity.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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The angel I ruined. (Castiel x male reader OC |NSFW|)Where stories live. Discover now