Chapter 10: "Indeed a hell of a ride"

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I asked Dean if he wanted to go back to the hospital, but he reassured me that Sam didn't need our presence, and having Castiel with him would be enough company. Instead, he suggested grabbing something to eat, and since I was also famished, I didn't decline his offer. We ended up at a diner, and Dean took the initiative to order cheeseburgers for both of us. I'm accustomed to fast food meals and don't feel like cooking, especially when I'm alone.

The meal was decent, nothing extraordinary, of course. Dean continued his jokes, but my mind was still absorbed in the newfound revelation of the supernatural world. Nevertheless, I cherished his company and refrained from bombarding him with more questions while we ate. I gave him a break.

After finishing our lunch, Dean suggested going for a drink. I hesitated for a moment, but ultimately agreed. It was my day off, after all, so a single beer wouldn't harm anyone. However, I made sure not to get intoxicated since I had an early morning shift the next day.

We arrived outside a bar and ordered some beers, engaging in light conversation.

Dean cracked open his beer and asked, "So, Joe, how's life been treating you lately? Saving lives and all that?"

I chuckled. "Hey, Dean! Life's been pretty interesting as a surgeon. No monsters to hunt, but the operating room presents its fair share of challenges. You wouldn't believe the things I've witnessed in there. But it's fulfilling, you know?"

Dean grinned. "Yeah, I can imagine. Life-and-death situations in a whole different way. At least you're using those steady hands for something good. Plus, you get to rock those fancy scrubs. Must make you feel like a rockstar."

"Well, maybe not a rockstar, but it does have its perks. And hey, you still get to sport that badass leather jacket of yours, hunting down evil and saving the world. We each have our own style, right?"
"Surgery keeps me busy, but I can't complain. What about you? Any new supernatural creatures causing trouble in your world?" I enjoyed the banter, although a multitude of questions lingered within me.

"Ah, you know how it is, Joe. Same old demons, monsters, and ghosts. But hey, at least I don't have to worry about a bunch of surgeons coming after me in the dead of night." Dean raised his beer. "Here's to doing what we love, even if it's in completely different arenas. Cheers, my friend."

I clinked my beer against his. "Cheers, Dean. Yeah, we both face our fair share of unique challenges. But I have to admit, your line of work has an edge to it. It's like living in a constant horror movie."

Dean paused for a moment, reflecting. "It's not always easy, Joe. Some nights, the weight of it all gets to me. But I've got a brother who's always had my back, and knowing that we're making a difference keeps me going. We've experienced our fair share of ups and downs, but we're still kicking ass side by side. Can't imagine doing it without him. We've built something strong over the years, and no evil son of a bitch is gonna tear us apart. Besides, what's life without a little thrill, right?"

"That's awesome, man. True brotherhood is hard to come by. Cherish that bond." I took another sip from my beer. "And I hear you, we all need something to fight for."

"Damn right it is. Remember that road trip we took back in the day? Hitting up all those dive bars, chasing girls, and drinking like there was no tomorrow?" Dean said with a nostalgic look in his eyes.

I chuckled. "Oh yeah, that was one wild ride. We were young and reckless, living life on the edge. Sometimes I miss those carefree days, you know? But hey, at least we've got the memories. The stress and responsibilities I have now are a nightmare. Sometimes I wish I could go back to a simpler time."

"No doubt, Joe. We may be a bit older and wiser now, but we'll always have those memories to look back on and raise a glass to. Here's to the good times and whatever the future brings."

The angel I ruined. (Castiel x male reader OC |NSFW|)Where stories live. Discover now