Chapter 16: "Dreams N' Roses"

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I wander through the hospital, and everything feels strangely familiar. The scent of disinfectant fills the air, and a gentle breeze rustles the curtains, creating a comforting atmosphere. But something's off-there's a shimmering golden glow on the walls, casting a warm light that envelops everything. And in the distance, a faint heartbeat echoes through the corridors, captivating and eerie at the same time.

I'm just going about my business, when I spot a shiny window or a mirrored door. I catch a glimpse of myself in the reflection, but as I blink, my own face morphs into Castiel's, standing right beside me.

Castiel looks different. He's like he's wrapped in some celestial glow, his eyes holding a mysterious wisdom that words can't capture. Without uttering a single word, he gestures for me to follow him.

Curiosity getting the best of me, I decide to go along. We tread softly through the hospital, and the setting starts to shift, blurring the line between what's real and what's fantasy. It's like being caught in the midst of a swirling daydream, where the rules don't quite apply.

After what feels like seconds, we arrive at a serene garden, illuminated by the gentle light of the moon. The moonbeams cast an ethereal glow on the delicate flowers, each petal radiating with a mesmerizing array of colors. It's a sight that defies logic but enchants my senses.

Castiel moves toward a rose bush, its petals shimmering with an otherworldly charm. He plucks a single rose and extends it to me, a silent gesture heavy with meaning. I reach out and take the rose, and in that moment, an indescribable warmth and reassurance wash over me. It's as if destiny itself has handed me something extraordinary.

With a gentle smile, Castiel gradually fades away, leaving me alone in the dream garden.

I groaned and opened my eyes, snapping back to reality with a jerk. My heart was still pounding, and a tingle of electricity lingered in the air. What the hell was that? That dream felt so real, so vivid. It was like stepping into another dimension, a place where the boundaries of logic and possibility blurred together.

I couldn't shake off the strange emotions that clung to me. The dream had left me with a sense of awe, wonder, and an undeniable connection to Castiel. But it wasn't just a simple friendship anymore. There was something more, something deeper that tugged at my heartstrings.

As I replayed the dream in my mind, fragments of images danced before me-the shimmering walls, Castiel's celestial glow, his eyes filled with unspoken wisdom. It felt like there was an unspoken language between us, a silent understanding that transcended words.

And that garden... oh, that garden was like a painting come to life. The moonlight, the colors of the flowers-it was as if the entire world had conspired to create a moment of pure enchantment. When Castiel handed me that rose, it was like a gift from fate itself, an unspoken promise of something extraordinary.

But now, as reality settled back in, doubts started creeping in too. Was I reading too much into this dream? Was it just a random concoction of my subconscious mind? Maybe it was nothing more than a fleeting fantasy, a mere figment of my imagination.

Yet, deep down, I couldn't ignore the fluttering in my chest, the way my heart yearned for that connection again. The dream had awakened something within me, something I couldn't ignore or dismiss easily.

With a sigh, I pushed myself out of bed and glanced at the clock. It was time to face the day, to embrace the chaos of the real world. But even as I went about my routine, the memory of that dream lingered, like a whisper in the depths of my soul. It was a reminder that maybe, just maybe, there was something more waiting for me beyond the realm of dreams.

I came back from work, exhausted but with a persistent tension that wouldn't let me sleep, even if I wanted to. After grabbing a bite to eat and taking a relaxing bath, I decided to reach for my guitar. My skills were a bit rusty, but I felt a surge of creativity and motivation to write something, even if it had been a while since I last did.

Just before I reached for my notebook, I instinctively checked my phone one last time. I had two new messages, one from Dean and one from Sam.

"Dude, thanks for taking care of Cas for me the other night while I was flirting with that girl. You saved my ass there. I owe ya one.. Your company probably helped more than you know. Maybe next time, the three of us can go for a pint together again?

"Hey, just wanted to say thanks for taking care of Cas while I was resting. I really appreciate it! I know that he's a bit of a handful sometimes, so I'm glad you were able to handle him. And thank you again for the amazing job you did with my leg, I'm already feeling much better. You're the best, Joe!

I wasn't in the mood to reply at that moment, so I quickly forwarded a message to both of them.

"Anytime, you know me. I'm here, not going anywhere!" I added a grinning face with a sweat emoji. I wanted to make sure they didn't take my response too seriously, but deep down, I couldn't forget that the last time we lost touch was because of them. They know where to find me this time, and it's up to them if they want to stay connected. Hopefully, they will.

I grabbed my notebook and started pouring my thoughts onto the pages. The words seemed to have a life of their own, as if they were dancing across the paper. To my surprise, tears welled up in my eyes. It wasn't some overly sentimental moment, just a simple song that stirred something deep within me. When I mustered the courage to sing it aloud, it struck a chord deep within me, leaving me a bit teary-eyed. I couldn't quite put my finger on why it affected me so, but it was a moment of raw emotion that I couldn't ignore.

"You're a blossoming flower, sweet and pure,
Yet you don't sprout from the earthly floor.
You transform into a melody's power,
Guiding me on a rain-soaked tour.

In the vast sea where the sky does end,
And amidst stars that twinkle and suspend,
Right from the start, I'm adrift, my loved,
But what if I get lost once again?

You're a blooming flower, radiant and bright,
Unbound by the soil, your beauty takes flight.

How somber this world, its shadows unfurled,
How can I find faith, in darkness so swirled?
But the road illuminates, as lightning unfurls,
Piercing through doubts with electrifying twirls.

Before I got lost in the sea and the sky,
And within the starlight that caught my eye,
Right from the start, I'm adrift, oh why,
But what if I get lost once again, oh my?

You're a blossoming flower, delicate and rare,
An ethereal presence, beyond earthly compare.
You've guided me, held me close,
From here, I won't get lost."

I finally let go of all the thoughts swirling in my mind. With each word I wrote, I could feel the tension leaving my body, my heartbeat slowing down, and my muscles relaxing. It was a cathartic release, like emptying a heavy burden from my soul. With a sense of peace settling over me, it was time to surrender to sleep. Who knows, maybe tonight I'll be visited by a delightful dream. In the past, my nights were void of dreams, but lately, it feels like my life is evolving, changing in small yet significant ways. Who knows what surprises await me in the realm of dreams tonight?

The angel I ruined. (Castiel x male reader OC |NSFW|)Where stories live. Discover now