Chapter 1: "The past knocked on my door"

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I hate this day! As I stepped out of the operating room, the weight of exhaustion settled heavily upon my shoulders. Sweat was dripping down my forehead, a clear sign of the intense physical and mental strain I endured during the tough shift. The hospital's sterile environment just made my tiredness even more obvious, contrasting sharply with the urgency and intensity of the past hours.

In my head, all sorts of emotions were swirling around. Alongside the fatigue, there was also a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, knowing I made a difference in the patients' lives. Every decision I made during those complex procedures had carried immense responsibility, as people's lives were in my hands. The weight of that responsibility really left its mark on me, showing as tired lines on my face.

As I peeled off my blood-stained gloves, my hands were shaking a bit, a natural response to the hours spent carefully maneuvering through delicate tissues and arteries. The scenes from the operating room were replaying in my mind, the vivid images of cuts, stitches, and monitors still fresh. My eyes bore the fatigue of countless hours spent under those bright lights, and my gaze felt heavy and distant.

I walked away from the operating room, seeking a quiet spot to collect myself. Leaning against the wall, I closed my eyes, trying to block out the cacophony noise of machines beeping and pagers ringing that had been my constant soundtrack. My body was sore, my muscles protesting against the relentless demands they'd faced.

My thoughts wandered to the patients I had cared for—the lives saved, the battles fought. I couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for the privilege of being at the forefront of medical innovation and the opportunity to touch lives in profound ways. But now, in this quiet moment, all I really wanted was a temporary escape from the weight of responsibility. I longed for the simple pleasures that had been pushed aside in the relentless pursuit of healing. A warm meal, a relaxing bath and the comforting rhythm of my favorite song. All of that felt distant and out of reach at that point.

Just when I was trying to catch my breath, something caught my attention at the hospital entrance. Through the busy corridors, I spotted my buddy Sam hobbling in, leaning on Dean and another guy I didn't recognize. Concern instantly flooded my weary eyes, momentarily pushing aside my own exhaustion.

Sam was the first person to whom I came out. He didn't judge me; instead, he made me feel safe. Whenever I needed someone to confide in, Sam was always there for me. And then there was Dean, his brother. He never let a chance pass to tease me about it. Strangely, though, his teasing actually helped me embrace my sexuality with more confidence and even respond with sarcasm. Surprisingly, that helped me deal with bullies and jerks. So, no hard feelings there.

Despite their undeniable attractiveness, I never developed a romantic crush on either of them. The moments we shared felt like being with family, as if we were long-lost brothers from different mothers. Of course, I never really felt like having one, and they had tragically lost their mother at a young age, so they could relate to my situation. Their father was always preoccupied with work, often absent for days, and he maintained a cold and distant attitude. As a result, they were practically raising themselves, just like me, navigating life on autopilot.

My time in high school was brutal due to my orphanage background. But in the midst of all that torment, Dean and Sam were my lifeline. Despite having their own family, they made sure I felt included and safe. Their unwavering friendship shielded me from bullies and gave me a sense of belonging. Together, we faced the challenges high school threw at us, forging bonds that would forever define our journey. Yet, as fate would have it, the day eventually arrived when they had to move once again, and I sadly lost them.

When I snapped back to reality, I rushed over to Sam. "Sam! What happened? Are you alright?" I asked, my voice full of empathy and genuine worry. Sam's face lit up with a bittersweet smile. "Joe, is that you? Are you a doctor now?" he exclaimed. "I had a little accident. Seems like I broke my leg, but luckily, it's not too bad. Still, it's messed up my plans."

My surgeon instincts kicked in, and I offered to check it out. "Let me take a look," I offered, guiding Sam to a nearby bench. As I focused on tending to Sam, I noticed Dean observing me in silence, while the enigmatic man beside him looked concerned. As I carefully examined Sam's leg, it became clear the fracture was worse than it seemed. My heart sank, realizing he might need surgery. The weight of that responsibility hit me hard, as I considered the implications and the responsibility that fell upon my shoulders.

Dean's silent stare seemed to say he trusted me completely, like he knew I could help Sam in this crisis. The mysterious guy looked just as interested, his brow furrowed with curiosity and concern.

With a deep breath, I turned to face them both, my voice filled with determination. "Sam needs surgery. It's the best way to ensure a proper recovery and prevent any long-term complications. I'll do everything in my power to make sure he receives the care he needs." As I contemplated the gravity of Sam's situation, my mind raced with the seriousness of the upcoming surgery. Just then, Dean, true to his nature, couldn't resist injecting a touch of humor to lighten the mood.

"Well, Joe, looks like Sam's leg is becoming a real-life Winchester puzzle," Dean quipped, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "But don't worry, we Winchesters have a knack for piecing things back together, even if it involves a few extra screws and bolts."

I couldn't help but crack a smile at Dean's witty remark, his words offering a brief respite from the tension in the air. Little did I know, Dean's comment held a deeper meaning, one that would reveal itself in due time. But for now, his lighthearted banter served as a reminder that even in the face of adversity, laughter can provide a momentary escape from the weight of the world. As the conversation took a light-hearted turn with Dean's humorous remark, the enigmatic man, standing nearby, chimed in with a serious tone. "This isn't a matter to joke about, Dean," he stated with a hint of concern in his voice. "Sam's injury is significant, and it requires our attention and focus. Let's ensure we provide him with the support he needs." His interjection reminded us of the gravity of the situation, bringing us back to the reality of Sam's condition. With his unwavering dedication to his friends, his words served as a gentle reminder to approach the upcoming challenges with the seriousness they deserved.

With a resolute nod,I swiftly directed Sam's transfer to the nearby X-ray room, accompanied by Deanand the enigmatic man. As we made our way through the bustling hospitalcorridors, my mind focused on the upcoming surgery and the steps required toensure Sam's swift recovery. The weight of responsibility settled upon myshoulders once again, but I knew I had the skills and determination to navigatethis challenge. As we entered the X-ray room, I turned to Sam with a reassuringsmile. "Don't worry, Sam. We're going to take care of you. Let's get theseimages and prepare for surgery." With that, the X-ray machine hummed to life,and I prepared to guide Sam through the next crucial steps on his path to healing.

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