Chapter 2: "A Mysterious Tale"

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After ensuring Sam was settled in his room, I took a moment to catch my breath and collect my thoughts. The surgery had been intense, requiring meticulous precision and hours of focused concentration. But seeing Sam now, peaceful and on the road to recovery, made it all worthwhile.

As I made my way down the corridor, heading towards Dean's location, my mind buzzed with a mix of relief and curiosity. It had been years since I last saw Dean, and our reunion in the hospital had been unexpected. The small talk we exchanged on our way to the X-ray room brought back memories of our high school days, but there was an unspoken tension in the air, as if there were more to Dean's story than he let on.

I found Dean waiting in the hospital's cafeteria, nursing a cup of lukewarm coffee. He looked up as I approached, a grin spreading across his face. "Well, well, look who's become a fancy surgeon," he teased, amusement twinkling in his eyes. "I didn't know you had it in you, Joe. Or should I call you Dr. Joseph now?"

I chuckled at Dean's comment, taking a seat across from him. "Surprised, are you?" I replied, feigning an air of confidence. "Well, I did have a knack for fixing things back in high school. Figured I might as well put it to good use."

Dean's eyes twinkled with mischief as he leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "You know, it's funny how life turns out. One minute you're dodging bullies in the halls, and the next minute, you're saving lives on the operating table."

I raised an eyebrow, playing along with Dean's playful tone. "And what's your excuse? What have you been up to?"
Dean leaned back, taking a sip of his coffee before leaning in again, his voice dropping to a mock-serious tone. "Well, Joe, you won't believe this, but Sam got himself into a bit of trouble. He got chased by a pack of feral dogs."

I couldn't help but laugh, not entirely sure if Dean was telling the truth or spinning one of his wild stories. "Chased by dogs? That sounds like something straight out of a B-movie," I remarked, shaking my head. "Is he always getting into trouble like this?"
Dean grinned, his eyes shining with a mix of amusement and affection. "Sam has a talent for attracting chaos," he replied. "But don't worry, Joe. We took care of those dogs, and he'll be back on his feet soon."

I appreciated Dean's attempt to shield me from the harsh reality of their world, but a flicker of concern crossed my mind. How had their lives taken such a turn? What had they been up to all these years? The questions burned at the back of my mind, but I knew it wasn't the right time to delve deeper into their secrets. For now, I would trust Dean's lighthearted story and focus on Sam's recovery.

"So, Dean, how have you been all these years?" I asked, changing the subject. "Last time we saw each other was senior year of high school. It feels like a lifetime ago."
Dean's smile softened, his gaze drifting off for a moment before returning to meet mine. "Yeah, it's been a wild ride," he admitted, a hint of nostalgia in his voice. "Life has a way of throwing curveballs, but we've managed to navigate through it. You know how it is, Joe, the road takes you to unexpected places."

I nodded, sensing the weight of Dean's words. There were layers to his story that hinted at a depth of experiences and challenges I couldn't fully grasp at that moment. Dean's eyes held a weariness that belied his cheerful demeanor, and I couldn't help but wonder what kind of trials he and Sam had faced since we last crossed paths.
But as much as I longed to delve into those unspoken stories, I knew the timing wasn't right. There was a reason Dean had chosen to share a light-hearted, albeit fictional, tale about feral dogs. It was a way to shield me from the truth, to keep me oblivious to the supernatural world they inhabited. I respected their decision to keep me in the dark.

"So, how about you, Joe?" Dean asked, breaking the silence that had settled between us. "What made you choose this path? Becoming a surgeon?"

I paused for a moment, reflecting on my own journey. "I guess life has a funny way of leading us to where we need to be," I replied, a touch of contemplation in my voice. "In high school, I always had this drive to fix things, to make a difference. Becoming a surgeon felt like the natural progression of that desire. But the reality is that, I became a surgeon because I wanted a shot at a stable and safe life. My time in the orphanage made me even more determined to make something out of my life and, at the same time, help others along the way."

Dean nodded, his eyes filled with a mix of understanding and admiration. "You're doing good work, Joe," he said sincerely. "Sam and I, we've seen our fair share of things, and knowing there are people like you out there, making a difference, it gives us hope."

His words touched me, and I felt a surge of gratitude for the unbreakable bond we shared, even if our paths had diverged for a time. In that moment, I realized that the essence of friendship, the connection we forged in our high school days, remained intact, transcending time and distance.

"Hey Dean, I forgot to ask earlier. Who was that mysterious man with you guys at the hospital?" My curiosity's been off the charts.
Dean simply replied "Ah, that's Castiel."
I couldn't contain my curiosity any longer. The mysterious man had captured my attention from the moment I saw him, and I had to know more.

"Castiel, huh? What's his deal? He seemed... different, somehow." I said back.
"Yeah, he's a bit of an enigma. He is a good friend of ours though. Let's just say he's got some unique skills and insights that come in handy when we're in a bind. And, uh, he's got a way of making things feel safer for Sam."
Dean replied a bit playful, but there's also a clear note of caution. Like he's trying to be light about it but clearly there's a lot more to the story than Dean is letting on. And the way he's speaking shows he's not quite comfortable talking about it.

Dean's response only fueled my curiosity further. Castiel was more than just a casual acquaintance; he possessed something special that provided comfort to Sam and Dean. I wanted to dig deeper, but I knew I had to tread carefully.
"Interesting. So, is he like a doctor or something? He seemed pretty comfortable at the hospital.."
"Nah, not exactly. He's not your typical doctor, but trust me, he's got their backs. Right now, he's just outside Sam's room, waiting for him to wake up after the surgery. Keeping an eye on him, you know?" Dean's words only added to the air of intrigue surrounding Castiel. He wasn't a doctor, yet he had a calming presence and a deep connection with Sam. I couldn't help but wonder what lay beneath the surface of this mysterious man.

"I see. Well, thanks for filling me in, Dean. I hope Sam wakes up soon."
We continued our conversation, reminiscing about old memories and catching up on the years we had missed. Dean's stories became increasingly wilder and crazier, drawing laughter and a sense of lightness that temporarily lifted the weight of the situation.

As our time in the cafeteria drew to a close, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. There was a sense of comfort in reconnecting with Dean, yet an underlying yearning to uncover the truths that lay hidden beneath the surface. But for now, as I prepared to return to the hospital floor, my focus shifted back to my duty as a surgeon and the responsibility I held towards Sam's recovery.
With a final exchange of knowing glances, Dean and I parted ways, each of us carrying our own burdens and secrets. The road ahead was uncertain, but I was determined to provide the best care for Sam, to mend what was broken and pave the way for a brighter future.

As I reentered the hospital floor, a renewed sense of purpose filled my heart. Sam's recovery would be my priority, and with the weight of Dean's trust upon my shoulders, I knew I had the strength to face whatever lay ahead.

The journey was just beginning, and little did I know that our paths were destined to intertwine once more and lead us all to the edge of a world teeming with mysteries.

The angel I ruined. (Castiel x male reader OC |NSFW|)Where stories live. Discover now