Chapter 4: "Onward and upward."

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I woke up feeling refreshed, as if I had been in a deep slumber. The day's significance eluded me until the memories of yesterday flooded back as I sipped my coffee.

But I refused to dwell on yesterday. The events had pushed the boundaries of my sanity. Vampires, angels, and supernatural beings? It felt like I had stumbled into a cheesy horror B-movie.

Why couldn't I stop fixating on it? My focus should have been on my patients and the surgeries ahead. Yet, my mind was entangled with Castiel and his extraordinary tale. This man, I swear, must be a lunatic. The way he spoke so matter-of-factly, as if his outlandish beliefs were the most ordinary things in the world.

When I get the chance, I will definitely speak with Dean and Sam. They would surely shed light on Castiel's oddity.

Deciding to indulge in some self-care, I took a relaxing bath and prepared a delicious breakfast for myself. Just as I began to unwind, my phone pierced the tranquility. Please, don't let it be the hospital, I pleaded silently. I needed and deserved some respite.

Thankfully, it was my sister. Yes, I have a sister. She was the fortunate one, adopted into a loving home where she experienced a normal life, unlike me. Our parents, if you could even call them that, were nightmarish drug addicts who exploited us for money. Begging strangers on the street was our daily ordeal, and failing to meet their expectations resulted in severe punishment and beatings.

She called seeking assistance with her child. A wonderful three-year-old kid diagnosed with autism. Despite his condition, he was the most adorable creature alive, and any time spent with him brought me immense joy. I would gladly babysit him for free.
However, this time, exhaustion weighed heavily on me, making me a bit hesitant. But she explained that her husband, a truck driver, was out of town and unable to help. Reluctantly, I agreed to her request and hurried to their home.

I was greeted by the sweetest hug I had ever received, and considering the scarcity of such moments in my life, it meant the world to me. My sister, eager to attend to her work, informed me that "Stephan" had already been fed and reminded me to be attentive to his diaper changes. Although I had babysat Stephan before, her repetitive reminders grated on my nerves. Nevertheless, I understood her concerns.

Stephan and I had a fantastic time together. We played and played until our hearts were content. The affection he showed me, the only man in my life, was something I always joked about. Truthfully, it wasn't far from reality. My demanding job left little time for dating, and most men I encountered were far from genuine. They cared only about one thing and lacked the capacity for emotional connection or meaningful conversations.

Stephan may not speak much, his vocabulary limited to a mere ten words, but he knew how to say my name-or at least, he tried. He affectionately called me Jo. Even with his limited speech, it made me feel incredibly special that he could utter my name.

Time slipped away unnoticed, and before I knew it, my sister had returned. We shared a meal, engaged in casual conversation, and all too soon, I found myself having to return to work.

Back at work, I attended to my scheduled surgeries with utmost care, leading my surgical team as I always did. The well-being of my patients was my top priority.
After finishing my duties, I checked in on Sam. To my delight, he was awake and appeared to be in a relaxed state. His recovery was progressing well, and it brought me immense joy to see my friend on the path to healing, seemingly free from pain.

As I approached Sam, he started ranting about the hospital food. "Have you tried the food they serve here? It's absolutely dreadful!" he exclaimed. "It's as if they take a perfectly delicious meal, toss it into a blender, and then ask the blender to cook it. I swear, there must be a secret competition to see who can create the most unrecognizable dish. Once, I was served a mystery meat that not even Sherlock Holmes could identify. And the portions! They're absurdly huge, as if they think we're all marathon runners. Who needs a mountain of mashed potatoes? And the vegetables...either boiled to oblivion or barely cooked at all. It's like trying to chew on Olympic javelins. And let's not even get started on the desserts. Jell-O masquerading as a food group? Give me a break! At least they provide those tiny packets of salt and pepper, though. It's like a treasure hunt trying to find them in the sea of blandness. And don't even get me started on the flimsy plastic utensils; they're about as sturdy as a toothpick. It feels like trying to dig my way out of Alcatraz with a spork! But I guess it's all part of the recovery experience, something to laugh about."

Meanwhile, Dean was already polishing off Sam's plate without a single complaint. That man had the appetite of a pig.

While Castiel was nowhere to be found, I took the opportunity to address the matter that had been gnawing at my mind. Turning to Dean, I asked earnestly, "Dean, is Castiel okay? Yesterday, we had a conversation outside Sam's room, and he started talking about vampire hunting and supernatural beings. The funniest thing is that he claimed to be an angel. I just don't understand... Is he experiencing mental health issues or is he some sort of master prankster?"

Dean remained silent for a moment, while Sam's eyes widened in surprise. Eventually, Dean responded, his voice slightly shaky. "Well, Joe, because you're such a good friend and you've taken such great care of Sam, I'll tell you the truth. It's okay if you find it hard to believe. The truth is, our father was often absent because he was a supernatural hunter. He fought all sorts of creatures-vampires, werewolves, shapeshifters, you name it. That's why we had to keep moving, to stay safe from the evils of this world. Our mother didn't die from cancer; a demon took her life. Yes, demons exist, as do angels. Castiel was telling the truth. I know it's unbelievable, and I'm sorry for all the lies we've told you about our lives, but most people can't comprehend the supernatural world. They'd think we're crazy. Hunting is a family business for us. I'm sorry we kept so much from you, but we genuinely appreciated your companionship. We didn't want to jeopardize our friendship."

Sam was too shocked to speak, and I found myself in the same state of bewilderment. All three of them were lying? Playing elaborate pranks? Did they genuinely believe what they said? Or were they on drugs? I couldn't wrap my mind around it.

Sam's concerned expression tugged at my heart, and I could see the genuine worry in his eyes. Taking a deep breath, I responded honestly, "I appreciate your honesty, Dean, but this is all so overwhelming for me. I need some time to process everything."
Feeling the weight of uncertainty, I posed a question that seemed like the most logical response in that moment. "Do you guys have any proof? Something concrete that can help me wrap my mind around all of this?" I hoped that evidence or some form of verification could provide some clarity amidst the confusion.

Dean's gaze softened, understanding the gravity of my request. "We understand your need for proof, Joe. It's not easy to accept these things without some sort of evidence. We can show you some of the things we've encountered, the lore we've gathered over the years."

Sam added, his voice filled with sincerity, "We don't expect you to take everything at face value, Joe. It's a lot to ask, and we understand if you find it hard to believe. We just wanted to be honest with you because you've been such a good friend to us. If you're willing, we can share some of our experiences with you, but the decision is ultimately yours."

I nodded, appreciating their understanding and the offer to provide some form of evidence. "Thank you, both of you. I need some time to process everything, but I'm willing to hear more and see what you can show me. Let's take it one step at a time."

Sam and Dean exchanged a glance, seemingly relieved that I was open to exploring their world. Sam smiled warmly and said, "We're here for you, Joe. Whenever you're ready, we'll share what we can and help you understand."

Dean, sensing the need to lighten the heavy atmosphere, interjected with a mischievous grin, "Just remember, Joe, once you start delving into the supernatural, there's no going back. It's like Hotel California-you can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave. So buckle up, because you're in for one hell of a ride!"

His lighthearted remark brought a faint smile to my face, momentarily easing the tension in the room. Sometimes, a touch of humor could provide a temporary respite from the weight of the unknown.

The angel I ruined. (Castiel x male reader OC |NSFW|)Where stories live. Discover now