Chapter 3: "Super..WTF?"

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As I made my way down the corridor to check on Sam, I noticed a man sitting in a chair, patiently waiting outside Sam's room. It was the same mysterious man I had seen earlier with Dean and Sam.

My curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to approach him, hoping to strike up a conversation. I had heard from Dean that this man was a friend of the Winchesters, but beyond that, I knew very little about him.
"Hey there. You must be Castiel, right? I'm Joe, the doctor who performed Sam's surgery. How is he doing?"

Castiel looked up, his gaze piercing and filled with a sense of knowing. It was as if he could see straight through me, but there was also a hint of gratitude in his eyes.
"Yes, I am Castiel. Sam is recovering well from the surgery. Your skills were instrumental in his treatment. I appreciate your help, Joe"

I was taken aback by Castiel's response. It was as if the man knew more than he was letting on, and I couldn't help but feel a mixture of curiosity and intrigue.
"Thanks, Castiel. I'm glad I could be of assistance. Dean told me quite the story of how Sam got injured."

Castiel glanced at me with a weary expression before offering a brief explanation. "Yes I know, it was a hell of a night. Sam and Dean Winchester were hunting vampires, and unfortunately, Sam got injured during the encounter. It was indeed a challenging night for all of us."

My mind raced as I processed Castiel's words. Vampires? Supernatural hunters? That's not what Dean told me.. It all sounded like something out of a fantasy novel, not the reality I knew as a surgeon. I took a moment to gather my thoughts before responding to Castiel.
"Wait, vampires? Are you saying that Sam's broken leg was caused by vampires? I mean, I've always believed in science and medicine, and this...
My disbelief began to morph into sarcasm as I struggled to reconcile Castiel's fantastical explanation with my logical mindset.
"Vampires. Of course, that explains everything. I suppose next you're going to tell me that werewolves are real too, right? Maybe unicorns and fairies will join the party? Is this some kind of a prank? Because I already had a long day." I replied, my tone laced with a touch of dry humor. I couldn't help but find the situation absurd, unable to fathom the idea of supernatural creatures being involved in Sam's injury.

Castiel's expression remained unchanged, he seemed quite stoic and serious.
"I understand that this may be difficult for you to accept, Joe. But the world is much larger and more complex than what meets the eye. Supernatural creatures do exist, and Sam's encounter with vampires is not something to be taken lightly. I assure you, the Winchesters and I have faced countless supernatural threats over the years. It may challenge your beliefs, but it doesn't make it any less real." Castiel's response carried a sense of unwavering conviction.

My sarcasm persisted as I couldn't help but question Castiel's credibility in the face of such extraordinary claims.
"Oh, right, Castiel. The expert on vampires and all things supernatural. How could I forget? Maybe all these supernatural encounters have affected your own sanity. Are you sure you didn't hit your head too hard during your 'hunt'? Or perhaps you've been binge-watching too much Twilight?" My words dripped with a mixture of disbelief and mockery, refusing to entertain the idea of supernatural beings and choosing to attribute it to something more mundane, albeit snidely.

Castiel's patience wavered slightly as he responded, his voice tinged with a hint of annoyance at my persistent sarcasm.
"I am an angel of the Lord, Joe. My purpose goes beyond what you perceive as reality. I've witnessed and intervened in battles between angels and demons, and I've stood by the Winchester brothers in their fight against supernatural forces that threaten the world. It may be difficult for you to comprehend, but dismissing it with sarcastic remarks won't change the truth." Castiel's tone conveyed a mix of frustration.

The angel I ruined. (Castiel x male reader OC |NSFW|)Where stories live. Discover now