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Halloween would've been a fun night.

Jasmine had been looking forward to sharing pumpkin mocktails with her best friends, telling jokes, and watching the dancing skeletons McGonagall had apparently booked.

But no.

Due to an incident in DADA earlier, Jasmine was having to serve detention with none other than Gerald Lockhart.

The incident being that Teddy was trying to teach, but Lockhart kept cutting in. So, Jasmine being Jasmine, she just had to sat something.

But telling him to "shut the fuck up, respectfully", in front of the whole class probably wasn't what was called for.

So Teddy and Lockhart had both agreed that she needed a punishment, and considering tonight was Halloween, missing the feast was a great one.

But it was the task Jasmine was doing that made her really lose it.

She was answering fanmail.  Gerard Lockhart's fanmail.

So there she was, in the man's dimly lit office, opening and boredly replying to the stupid fanmail. Lockhart sat on the other side of his desk, grinning.

"Oh, Jasmine, Jasmine, Jasmine," he chuckled. "Can you possibly think of a better way to serve detention, than by helping me answer my fanmail?"

Does this guy have the memory of a goldfish, or what? Jasmine thought angrily. I told him to shut the fuck up not two hours ago.

"Yes, I could," Jasmine murmured.

"Ah, you're just like all the others," Lockhart appeared not to have heard her. "All the other besotted young witches, obsessed with my work and my... rather attractive facial features."

Jasmine curled her hands into fists.

Two hours crawled on.

The feast'll be over now, Jasmine thought as she looked at the clock on the wall, an hour in. Great.

Lockhart continued to talk of her as though she was an obsessive fangirl, and it made her want to scream.

But then finally, finally, it ended.

"Oh look at the time! You'd best be off to bed, Jasmine, before McGonagall has us both in detention!" He joked, grinning. "Run along, now-"

Jasmine was up and out faster than you could say 'quidditch'.


The corridors of Hogwarts were more scary when they were abandoned, walked down alone, and dark. Jasmine was three for three, but she didn't let herself feel the fear.

However, she did feel it when an ear shattering scream resounded through the air.

"HELP! Fire!"


Jasmine was running before she could even think, following the person's scream. She ran and ran, her heart pounding, until finally-



-she crashed straight into James, who was also running, Fred and Alice behind him.

"Jasmine! Are you alright?" Alice asked concernedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" Jasmine said, shaking herself off. "Did you guys hear the scream? Where's it coming from-?"

𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 ❀ 𝐽𝑎𝑠𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑡 (HP Next Generation)Where stories live. Discover now