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McGonagall walked Jasmine to the wand shop, Ollivander's, then said that she was to go into it by herself, saying she would pick her up in half an hour. Why it would take that long to get a wand was beyond the young girl, but then again, many things in this new magical world were beyond her.

The first thing Jasmine saw when she walked into the shop was what looked like bookshelves. But instead of books, they were filled with boxes. Wand boxes.

And these shelves were towering right up into the shop's rafters. And they seemed to be the only things in the shop, except for the small desk in front of Jasmine, preventing her from getting to the wands.

"Hello?" She asked awkwardly, as no one was sitting at the small desk.

As she suspected, there was no answer, or was there? Suddenly, a young man rushed along on a ladder. He had a round, young, welcoming face and an awkward smile.

"I'm sorry," he admitted. "I- erm- I've only been doing this a couple of years after my- my uncle passed away, and I'm still not as good as him," he said, rubbing the back of his neck and looking at the ground. "He was Ollivander, he was amazing, and I'm just learning."

Jasmine felt for him. "You're doing just right. I'm new to this as well, it's fine."

The man smiled at the young girl. Jasmine wished she could help in another way but the man cleared his throat.

"Anyway, what was it you wanted?"

"A wand, please," Jasmine said, biting her lip. Unusually, she felt meek and slightly scared; feelings she didn't usually let herself experience, or just feel.

"Oh, yes! A wand," the young man said, taking a box from the shelf. "Well, if there's one thing my uncle taught me, it's that 'the wand chooses the wizard' so..."

He handed her the newly opened box with the shiny wooden stick in it.

Jasmine took the wand, and felt nothing. She looked at the second Ollivander and he looked back.

"Well wave it!"

She waved it and nothing happened.

"That maybe wasn't the one, try this one!" he said, getting another box and opening the box, taking the wand out himself this time and holding it out to her. "Let me see, birch, phoenix feather, supple to an extent... here."

Jasmine took it, waved it, and she flew up in the air. It felt so good! However, it only lasted for a couple of seconds, and then she went straight back down again, landing hard and taking a few seconds before getting up.

Ollivander was chuckling, but he shook his head. "No dear, we'll try... this one," he had got a box from the shelf while she was on the ground, and he handed it to her now.

She opened it, and took the wand from it slowly, afraid she was going to blow something up with it.

But no such thing happened. Even holding it, she felt amazing. She felt the wand and her fingers connecting, and she said, eyes widening. "This is the right one, I can feel it."

Ollivander's eyes widened. "This wand- this one is made of rosewood, and it has a dragon heartstring core. It's reasonably pliant, and it's yours," Jasmine grinned at his words.

"Thank you very much," she told him. "I can't believe I'm holding my wand!"

Ollivander chuckled as Jasmine made to leave the shop with her new wand, turning back around at the door.

"And Ollivander?" She asked. The man looked up from the desk he had just sat himself at, and nodded at Jasmine to go on. "I think that you're just as good as your uncle, even if I never met him. I don't think I could have a better wand, thank you."

He smiled warmly at her comment, and Jasmine, who didn't think she could have a better start to the wizarding word, got outside to see McGonagall with a pet.

"Consider it a late birthday gift from me," she smiled slightly at the girl, handing her a cage.

It was a cat! She was beautiful! Jasmine and her bonded at first sight. She was a little ginger cat with white and brown stripes and big, cute eyes. Jasmine named her Pepper.

Eventually, after getting a three scoop cone from Florian Fortescue's ice cream parlour, McGonagall informed Jasmine that it was time for them to go back. Jasmine took this half-heartedly, but tried to keep her spirits up as they boarded the train and got back to Lillian Lane.

Eventually, they were standing outside Jasmine's house, and McGonagall was saying. "The last bit of paper inside your envelope tells you of your travel arrangements to go to Hogwarts. If you go to Kings Cross station on September first, you'll be okay."

Jasmine nodded as McGonagall bade goodbye to her and set back off down the street. However, some questions were still bugging her

"But Professor-"

Jasmine had turned to look at something in the garden, she had wanted to say something back, but when she turned around, the first magical person she knew had gone.

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