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Finally, finally, it was September first. Jasmine had been waiting for this for ages. She had read all her books over and over she had packed her trunk, dressed and did her hair in a plait, and Iris was driving her to the station at the moment. That had taken a hundred pleas, a thousand begs and a million shouts, but it happened.

Rebecca wasn't there. Iris didn't take her because she didn't want to come, and she was spending the day at Audrey's with her and Millie as well. Jasmine didn't mind; it was nice and quiet.

However, her head was loud. She had been reading the information about travel for ages now, but she still couldn't seem to make sense of it.

The letter clearly said that the train left at eleven o'clock from Platform 9¾ at Kings Cross. Eleven? Jasmine could do. Kings Cross? She was coming to it now. But Platform 9¾? What did that even mean?

But before this, Jasmine had to unload all her stuff. When Iris stopped at the station, she got a trolley, put her trunk onto it, and got Pepper (who was in her cage) out the car. Iris had also been against the cat, but Jasmine had won that battle.

However, after she shut the boot of her stepmother's car and looked around, the moment she turned back, Iris was speeding off.

This left Jasmine in a state of panic as she read the big station clock. Ten to eleven. Great.

But then she heard an interesting conversation.

"I want to go! Why can't I go to Hog-"

"Keep your voice down Lily!"

"But mum, I want to-"

"Stop it."

"I'm going Lils, I'll send you plenty of letters, don't worry, and they'll all be about how great the castle is, and how-"


"Al, you'll receive some as well, all about how you might be in Slitheri-"


"James! Give. It. A. Rest."

Jasmine looked around the wall and saw a family of five. A dad with raven black messy hair, a mum with flaming red hair, a girl with red hair also, a young boy with browny black hair and a marginally older boy, with black hair and a smirk on his face; he had a trolley in his hand and was directing it towards Jasmine.

James had seen the girl first. He had seen that she looked confused and he had also thought that she was quite pretty. And he wasn't not going to approach her.

Meanwhile, Jasmine was looking for the entrance when a voice stopped her.

"Muggle-born? First time at Hogwarts? Platform disappeared?" James asked, slight smile on his face. Jasmine couldn't tell whether he was genuine or sarcastic, but he put his hand out and said. "I'm James Potter."

"Jasmine Hart," Jasmine shook James' hand and her lips twitched slightly.

"James, let the girl breathe, " his dad said, chuckling at his first born before turning to the lost girl before him. "Need help?"

Jasmine normally hated admitting she needed help, because she normally didn't want any. But now, in need of it, she found it hard to refuse, so she nodded.

The red haired woman; Jasmine presumed she was the mum, stepped in, explaining gently. "What you do, is you have to run straight at the barrier between platforms nine and ten, got it?"

Jasmine was bemused. She was so happy and excited, but so nervous all the same. She asked in confusion. "Is that all I have to do? That's so easy!"

"Yes! It's so cool, according to dad!" The other boy that wasn't James answered.

𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 ❀ 𝐽𝑎𝑠𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑡 (HP Next Generation)Where stories live. Discover now