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"Hey, Ally," Jasmine sighed as she talked into the small microphone.

"Hey, Jasmine," came the meek voice of her best friend from the speaker beside her.

"Wait? Jasmine? You're here?" Came the voice of Fred.

"Yep," Jasmine smiled slightly. "Hey, Fred."

It turned out that going home for Christmas hadn't been the best option for Alice and Fred. Both had been caught with a bout of slow acting dragon pox (as Lily had spent some time in the burrow before she found out she had it) and were now in the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey, the school matron/nurse, had said they would both make a full recovery, but for now, they were both in bed for a week, which brought them up to the very last day of term.

Jasmine wasn't looking forward to that, because you had to go home for summer. Which meant that she was going to be seeing Iris and Rebecca again very soon.

But for now, she was just visiting her friends. This wasn't easy. They were both in the sort of 'quarantine' area of the hospital with a full glass wall separating them. Jasmine had to speak into a small microphone to be able to talk to them and they could just speak back normally. The speakers would pick up their sound and feed it back to the person outside.

"Hey," Fred said back.

"How are you guys feeling?" Jasmine asked.

"Urrrrggghhh, like crap," Fred replied, groaning into the pillow.

Jasmine sighed. "Well, I can't say anything's exactly been done out here, but I've gotta head to potions. I just wanted to check up on you guys before I went."

"We're fine," Alice sighed. "We're just... spotty."

Jasmine laughed. "Well, that's obvious."

They all laughed.

"Well, see you guys," Jasmine smiled, heading out of the hospital wing.

She had said to James that she would meet him at their desk in potions, so, being a good friend, she headed down to the dungeon immediately.

But not before catching a rather interesting conversation first.

"P-Professor Lupin, I just don' understand," that was Hagrid. And by what he said, Jasmine knew who else was with him-

"Hagrid, it's quite simple," Teddy said in a formal yet patronising voice. "I'm going out to the forest for a private affair, and I'll be back by midnight."

There was a pause. Jasmine, who was hidden in a corridor alcove just metres behind the two, heard Hagrid sigh. "Alrigh, but be on yer gaurd all the time in tha' forest, 'cause it's no picnic in there..."

No, it isn't, Jasmine thought.

"It's alright, Hagrid, I'll be careful," Teddy said. "And thank you!"

He strode off the other way, and Hagrid have a few more huffs and puffs before following him. The girl hiding next to him knew he was wondering why on earth Teddy .

But Jasmine knew more than him.

And she also knew what Teddy was meaning.

And she knew that that night, may be their only chance to save him.

Because she was not letting him take the curse home for summer.


"Late, Miss Hart," Sanches said irritably to Jasmine when she walked in. "Five points from Gryffindor."

"Sorry, sir," Jasmine was too on-edge to be annoyed as she basically ran to her seat beside James, who was sat down, glaring at Sanches for taking points off his friend.

𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 ❀ 𝐽𝑎𝑠𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑡 (HP Next Generation)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin