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How Jasmine and James managed to get Teddy up to hospital wing, they would never know. Mainly because they both passed out/gone into a deep sleep minutes after bringing him up.

This wasn't a problem, as Madam Pomfrey had still been awake (even though it was well past midnight) when they came in. She was checking up on Alice and Fred, who, incoincidentally, had just been fed a recently new invention of a dragonpox potion (it didn't stop the spots, it just made it not contagious) and were both feeling better.

But Jasmine and James were both out cold by the time they were up and walking next morning. They still had to stay in the hospital wing for another few days.

James was the one that awoke first, getting around fifteen hours sleep and waking in the afternoon of the next day.

But the next time Jasmine awoke was a day later, and she had a laughing and talking Alice and Fred, the latter sitting on a chair between her and James' beds and the former sitting on her bed.

"Alice..." She murmured, seeing her best friend. "Fred...? What... happened... Teddy... James..."

"Jasmine!" Both of her friends instantly swarmed her, seeing that she was awake.

"What happened?"

"James told us most of it-"

"It sounded so fun-"

"No, it sounded dangerous-"

James, who Jasmine now noticed was in the bed next to her and was sitting up, propped against pillows, shrugged. "It was fine. It's Teddy I'm worried about."

Jasmine then followed his line of view (he was looking at the man) to see Teddy in the bed opposite hers.

"He's been out cold since we brought him up," James said.

"Did you really destroy the stone, Jasmine?" Alice asked.

Jasmine nodded slightly. "It deserved it," she shrugged.

That got both James and Fred laughing. Alice too.

Soon, Jasmine was explaining her side of the story to her two best friends, and hearing from Alice and Fred about what had been going on at Hogwarts.

"Well, the whole school now knows what happened," Fred said. "The rumour just kinda spread after people saw Teddy, unconscious in the hospital wing."

"Of course, no one actually knows the full story, but they know you two were involved and so was he and... it kinda went from there."

Jasmine nodded. "So... is Teddy okay?"


"Well... Madam Pomfrey gave him some medicine and stuff and she says he'll be alright, but she wasn't sure."

Jasmine bit her lip and looked to James.

"He'll be alright," he said confidently. "He will be. He's strong and he'll fight through whatever's happening to him."

"Yeah," Alice agreed. "And he'll make it-"

"Alright, enough!" Madam Pomfrey suddenly appeared from her office which was attached to the hospital. "These patients need rest! And you two also need it if you want to be out of the hospital in the least amount of time!" She added to Alic wand Fred, who quickly scurried back off to their beds which had been moved out of the isolation area.

Jasmine sighed and looked over at James. The looks both had on their faces meant they might burst out laughing any minute.

But they held it in until the matron had inspected Teddy, looked at them and went back into her office.

𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 ❀ 𝐽𝑎𝑠𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑡 (HP Next Generation)Where stories live. Discover now