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Herbology was the first class of the day the next morning, and Jasmine and James still weren't talking.

Neville (or rather, Professor Longbottom) was at the front of the greenhouse, holding a  strange plant in his hands.

"Morning second years!" He smiled. "Gather round, everyone!"

It was then that Jasmine noticed that the plant that he had in his hands was the same as the ones that were sat in identical pots in front of each second year.

"Today we're repotting mandrakes," said Neville. "Now, this is a very fun lesson, but I will also need you to put a small bit of knowledge into it. So, who can tell me the properties of the mandrake root?"

Jasmine had had a lot of time during her time at the Potters to look over her school books, trying to get reacquainted with them before going back to school, due to Iris locking them up.

So she took pride in her hand going up before everyone else's.

"Yes, Miss Hart?"

"Mandrake root is used to turn those who've been petrified back to their original state," Jasmine answered confidently. "It's also dangerous. The mandrake's cry is fatal to anyone who hears it."

"Excellent, ten points to Gryffindor!" Neville grinned over at her, leaving Jasmine and Alice to look at each other in glee.

Jasmine was just about to exchange another grin with James, this time, but then she remembered they weren't on the best terms, and resisted.

"Now," Neville continued. "As these mandrakes our only seedlings, their cries won't kill you yet, but they could knock you out, so I suggest you get some earmuffs from the pile over there."

As everyone got a pair, heading back to their places, Neville demonstrated how to repot a mandrake, pulling it out of the pot sharply and revealing what the root actually looked like.

School book pictures didn't do it justice. The root was like a tiny little baby, with soil dirt all over and tiny little fists thrashing all over the place.

It also cried very loudly, so much so that Jasmine winced and pulled her hands up to cover her ears over the earmuffs.

Neville then put the mandrake into a bigger pot, silencing its crying for now and patting soil round about it.

"Okay," now the mandrake had stopped screaming, they could hear him through the earmuffs. "There's plenty of pots to go around! Grasp your mandrake and pull it up!"

And they all did, making the noise a million times worse as they all tried to repot them quickly.

The only bit of amusement Jasmine got was when she saw Samuel Nott, her enemy, put his finger in the mandrake's mouth, letting it bite down hard and making him yelp with pain.

She and Alice sniggered before repotting their own mandrakes, grinning.

Maybe this lesson wasn't so bad after all.


At break that morning, Jasmine saw James writing a letter, and was enraged to see who it was to.

"Stop it," she said bitingly.

James looked up at her, a sick smirk on his face that Jasmine used to find kind of endearing.

"Stop what?" He asked.

"You know bloody well what!" Jasmine snapped. "Stop writing to your parents about Al."

𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 ❀ 𝐽𝑎𝑠𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑡 (HP Next Generation)Where stories live. Discover now