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Delta-wave's POV

"The Omega lock's control station is located on the lower deck" Ratchet informs the others. As I ride Skye-raptor. She is big enough, but she can't carry me for long. "Delta-wave, Skye-Raptor and I am making my way there now" he states.

"Copy that, Ratchet" Optimus says.

"Raf if I don't make it back, know that I love you cousin" I tell him.

"Why would you say that Karina?" he asks sounding upset.

"Because I have already been injured, Ratchet managed a temporary patch job. But who knows how long it'll last. But know I will fight to come back to you" I tell him. "Orders Optimus?" I ask.

"We will rendezvous at the objective. Acee, lead stealth team to secure the Omega lock" Optimus orders. "Ultra Magnus, you and the Wreckers storm the bridge" he orders. "Prevent the Decepticons from targeting the device if stealth team is delayed" he explains.

"How are you holding up Delta-wave?" Ratchet asks me.

"As well as expected" I tell him. "We'll worry about it later, lets save Earth" I tell him. We continue our journey through the ship. We soon see two vehicons and I get off of Skye-raptor shushing her gently. Ratchet signals me to stay and quickly slices the two vehicons. "Looks like you still have some fight left in you" I state.

"For our friends, Earth and Cybertron. Always" he states. "Stay close" he tells me and I roll my optics. But nod. We enter the room to see Shockwave overseeing the development of the cyber matter Ratchet had told me about.

"Shut it down, Shockwave" I tell him as Skye-raptor screeches at him.

"I see you have bonded with a predacon, it is of little consequence. I suggest you stand down" he tells me. "It'd be illogical for me to damage you farther" he states. Skye-raptor screeches standing in front of me.

"We cannot allow you to harm Earth" Ratchet tells him.

"The planet will not be harmed only its indigenous life-forms" Shock-wave states.

"I am one of those life-forms regardless of my appearance" I sneer.

"Over my sparkless husk" Ratchet tells him.

"And ours" I add as I power my weapon. Skye-raptor prepares to fight. I don't know if she can. But if Laserbeak can, why not her? Though I hate endangering her. We all attack and Ratchet reaches him first. Shockwave tosses him and while his back is turn Sky laps onto him and claws at his back. He yells and tries to shake her off. I ram into him and send him flying as she jumps off of him.

Shockwave gets up and goes to attack Ratchet. He must not see Skye-raptor as a serious threat and of course he wants to afford damaging me further. Well that's his mistake. I fire at him, grazing his shoulder after he throw Ratchet.

"Delta, Ratchet we are nearing your position" Arcee tells us. Well that's good. Sky leaps at Shockwave and he back hands her. She flies into a wall and screeches in pain.

"Skye-raptor!" I shout and rush over. She whines in pain and I see one of her wings bent. I curse. "Stay here, Ratchet and I will handle this. Besides the others will be hear soon" I assure her. I pat her head and then activate my skates. I skate over and tackle Shockwave. He throws me off of him into Ratchet. Who catches me.

"Ultra Magnus to all units. We will be delayed. Soundwave pulled one of his relocation tricks" Ultra Magnus informs us. Great, but what is taking Arcee and the other two so long? She said she was near. Suddenly the computer sounds and Shockwave looks at it distracted.

"Lord Megatron, the Omega lock is fueled and ready" he states.

"Shockwave, commence Omega lock firing sequence" Megatron orders.

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