Minus Two

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Episode is called Minus One, but I've changed the title to Minus Two for this chapter.

Delta-wave's POV

"Haha, I can't stay forever Sky" I laugh. I head come to give her some energon. And we started a game of hide & seek. "I have to get back before I am missed" I state and she coos sadly. "I promise, you will join me at base soon. We just have to wait for the right moment" I tell her. "Now go have fun, but remember stay hidden" I tell her. She nods and takes off. I return to base as Bee storms away looking upset. "Bee, what's wrong?" I ask him concerned.

"Smokescreen is an inconsiderate jerk" he whines.

"Why?" I ask.

"He said my missed up voice box is my signature" he states. I sigh, trust Smokescreen to say something like that.

"I'm sure he didn't mean to offend you Bumblebee, remember he is still new and doesn't know you as well as the others" I remind him. "I know you miss your old voice and I hope to hear it one day. But don't be to hard on him, ok?" I ask.

"Fine" he grumbles. "Where were you any way?" he asks.

"Can you keep a secret?" I ask him.

"Of course" he beeps.

"That means Optimus too" I tell him.

"Why can't Optimus know?" he asks confused.

"I'm not ready for everyone to know yet, especially after our recent fight with the decepticon predacon" I state.

"What's he got do with it?" he asks.

"I have a new friend, she is very young and small. Well small to us, she only reaches my hip" I tell him. "Her name is Skye-raptor and well she's a predacon" I say sheepishly.

"What?!" he exclaims.

"Shush" I tell him. "She's only young and sort of imprinted on me. She's my friend, please don't tell. Wheeljack and Ultra Magnus may kill her" I plead.

"Where are you keeping her?" he asks.

"The canyon" I tell him.

"Can I meet her?" he asks.

"Sure, we can go later if you want. Tell the other's we're going on a drive" I tell him.

"You sure she is tame?" he asks.

"Yes" I assure him. "Though it would be best if I meet her first and tell her about you before you meet her. So she won't get startled, she knows my scent and the sound of my voice" I state. He nods his head. "Lets return to the bridge" I tell him and he agrees.

"You know, we still haven't had our race" he tells me.

"We'll do it later" I assure him.

"Prime! We have trouble brewing" Fowler states coming out of his office. "The 'Cons staged a smash-and-grab at the Los Alamos nuclear plant late last night, and made off with 20 tons of control rods" he explains.

"What are the Decepticons looking to build?" Optimus asks.

"Not another predacon lab, they didn't steal control rods then" I state. "Space bridge?" I suggest.

"Unlikely, as they still have their one" Arcee states.

"We must be prepared for anything" Optimus states.

"In the meantime, you should continue your education on Cybertronian language" Ratchet tells me.

"Fine" I say and go other to an empty console to continue my study. "Though it would go quicker if I had a data pad I could keep logs on" I state.

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