Human Factor

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Karina's POV

Bulkhead still isn't fit for active duty. But he is getting close. Raf hasn't shown up today. I had to come as I needed energon. But Raf didn't arrive after school with the others. So I decide to give him a call. "Hey Raf, how come you're not at base?" I ask him.

"I'm kinda grounded" he answers sheepishly.

"You've got to be kidding, Raf. You of all people grounded?" Jack asks with a chuckle. I give him a pointed look as Miko joins us.

"Big time. I misplaced some homework and blew a couple of tests" Raf explains.

"Translation "A-" instead of "A" Miko jokes.

"I'm probably spending too much time at the base" Raf states.

"Karina spends more time here then you and manages to do fine" Miko states.

"Actually she isn't, mum told me to tell you Karina you are grounded when you get home" Raf tells me sheepishly.

"Great" I grumble and Miko laughs with Jack.

"Until Karina and I improve these grades, we're off team prime" Raf states.

"I'm on my way" I tell him and hang up the phone. "Yo Bee I need a lift home!" I call and he beeps. I jump over the railing and float down to him as he transforms. I get in and he takes me home. "Raf and I won't be available for a while as we're grounded. But we'll be there if you really need us" I tell him. He agrees and leaves.

"Karina Torres, where have you been?" my aunt demands.

"Study group at the library, I noticed my grades have been slipping since I started the work experience and wanted to get on top of it" I tell her.

"Good, but you are still grounded until they improve. As it Raf" she states. I nod my head and go to Raf's room. I take out my laptop and start on my homework. We work in silence.

"So how did the bots take the news?" Raf asks.

"They understand our situation" I assure him. "But I told them if they needed us for something important we'd be there. Until then we just focus on our school work" I tell him. He nods his head in agreement. "Call if you need help" I tell him.

"Same to you" he shoots back and I chuckle nodding my head. Knowing I'd probably need his help before he needs mine.

(Time skip)

I finished my work and I am now helping Raf with his. As we sit at his desk looking at his computer. It's getting late. Suddenly a ground bridge portal opens up behind us.  We turn to see Jack, Miko and Fowler walk through. "What are you guys doing here?" Raf asks.

"Son, your planet needs you" Fowler tells him. Handing him a folder. "You're welcome to come also Karina, I'm sure the bots could use some extra fire power" he states.

"Not that I have much to give, but if Raf is going. So am I" I tell him. Raf nods and starts to do his thing on the computer.

"I'm in, but I can't reach the targeting systems. Too many firewalls" Raf states.

"Come on son" Fowler says. "If the Cons make off with that interface code, Damocles will light up the sky 24-7" he states.

"Let them have the code. It won't do them any good without the satellite" Raf tells him.

"Brilliant idea cousin" I praise.

"Can't say I follow you both" Fowler says confused.

"All satellites have maneuvering thrusters so they can adjust their orbits. If I can break into the navigation subroutine, I can bring the whole satellite down" Raf explains.

Karina Torres: TFPWhere stories live. Discover now