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Karina's POV

"I don't care, it's mine and no one is taking it away from me" I snap at Ratchet.

"Karina, energon is bad for humans" he says trying to reason with me.

"Wheel-jack should of kept his mouth shut, it's the last thing I have of my parents. I've worn it for months and nothing bad has happened" I tell him.

"Nothing you know of" he tells me.

"At least let him do a scan" Raf tells me.

"Stay out of this Raf" I snap and then take a deep breath. "Sorry cuz" I say and hug him. Before the conversation can continue we get an emergency call from Agent Fowler.

"Special agent Fowler? To what do we owe..." Optimus starts to ask.

"What else? 'Cons! I chased them off with some hard ordnance, but not before they blew me out of the sky" Agent Fowler explains.

"Again?" Miko asks intrigued.

"They tried a smash-and-grab for the DNGS" Fowler states.

"Did he say dingus?" I ask with a giggle.

"Dynamic nuclear generation system, AKA, DNGS.It's a prototype energy source I'm porting to the coast for testing" Fowler explains. Still funny.

"That's absurd.Why would Starscream bother with such primitive technology?" Ratchet asks confused.

"I'm guessing to make a big fat primitive weapon of mass destruction.If this baby were to melt down, it would irradiate this state and the four next door" Fowler explains.

"Did Agent Fowler say which state he is currently in?" Miko asks.

"I'm a sitting duck here, prime.I need you to spin up your bridge and send the DNGS to its destination before the 'cons come back for it" Fowler tells him.

"I'm afraid that sending such a volatile device through a ground bridge is out of the question.If there were to be an accident during its transmission, the radiation of which you speak could propagate through the ground bridge vortex and harm all 50 states. And beyond" Optimus tells him.

"You got any better ideas?" Fowler asks him.

"Why not have the Autobots transport it in vechicle mode?" I suggest. Everyone seems to like the idea. So Optimus, Bulkhead, Bee and Arcee go through the bridge with a trailer to deliver the DNGS. While us kids stay with Ratchet in the base.

"We are locked on to your coordinates, Optimus.Barring any complications, you should reach the drop off point by sundown" Ratchet tells him. Soon the ones attempting to steal the DNGS appear, but there are no Decepticon singles on screen. "What? I'm not picking up anything.They must be utilizing a cloaking technology" Ratchet states.

"Our assailants are not Decepticons -- They are human" Optimus tells us over the com.

"Human?!" we all say shocked.

"Oh, please.Taking on our bots? They're roadkill" Miko says happily.

"Autobots, maintain your cover and apply minimal force.Disarmament only" Optimus orders. Soon Fowler gets a call from the enemies leader on his walkie talkie. Turns out his name is Silas and works for a company called MECH. Fowler does not appear to take him seriously. "Agent Fowler, do not take your "Silas" lightly.Megatron preached the very same ideology before plunging Cybertron into the great war that destroyed our world" Optimus tells him.

"Optimus, prepare to initiate phase 2. Five miles ahead, to the South, you will reach the rendezvous point" Ratchet tells him.

"There's our destination point" Fowler says as they approach the train tunnel.

Karina Torres: TFPWhere stories live. Discover now