Sick Mind

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(The Nemesis) Third Persons POV

"So she has energon flowing through her body?" Starscream asks Breakdown and Knockout. Karina is sleeping on the metal table covered by a thin blanket.

"Yes" Breakdown answers.

"How is it there? I thought energon was fatal to humans" he states.

"Usually it is, but for some reason not with her" Knockout states.

"It may have something to do with the energon crystal around her neck" Breakdown adds. The other two look at him. "I saw it once, she usually has it hidden. I had Soundwave do research on her background" he states.

"What did he find out?" Starscream demands.

"Her carrier and sire died in a cave collapse. It was an energon mine, the crystal is from that mine. She lives with her carrier's sibling and his family unit" Breakdown explains.

"Shame Shockwave isn't here, he was always good at dissecting organics" Knockout states and Starscream stiffens. "So Starscream, what are we going to do with the human femme?" he asks.

"It's Lord and we'll continue to observe her for now. I shall think about what to do next" Starscream states. He dismisses them and they return to their work on Megatron. To see Karina still asleep.

(Few days later) Karina's POV

"This is so boring" I whine as I sit on the edge of my table. Breakdown has finished buffing Megatron. So he's all shiny and looks like new. Aside from the giant hole in his chest cavity. He is still on life support.

I've been stuck in this room since Knockout took me racing. He's got a new door and has fixed his finish. I only leave for the loo. "Be quiet, I have to go check in with Starscream. Remain here and don't touch anything" Knockout tells me. Breakdown is out on a scouting mission. So Knockout if my guard for the day.

"I can't get off this table" I remian him grumbling. He ignores me and leaves the room. Shutting the door behind him. I groan in annoyance. I soon hear familiar voices in the other room. "Bee" I say and get up going to where I can see the window. I see Arcee at the computer and Bee on guard. "Bee!" I yell and looks at the window. I smile waving and he walks over grabbing Arcee's attention.

Soon they both enter the room and Bee places me on his shoulder. I hug his neck cables. "Glad to see you kid, we have Karina" Arcee states. "You won't believe what else we've found" she adds looking at Megatron.

"What is it? What's going on?" Ratchet asks.

"It's Megatron, he's alive" she states.

"That's not possible" Ratchet states as Arcee and Bee point their weapons at Megatron.

"He won't wake, he's been like this since I was last here" I tell them.

"Well, I'm staring right at him. The good news is, Megatron isn't exactly staring back" Arcee tells Ratchet. "He's critical, hooked up to life support. Time to finish this once and for all" she says going to shot him and I close my eyes.

"Wait, don't!" Ratchet exclaims.

"Give me one good reason, fast" she tells him.

"Megatron may be Optimus' only hope for survival" Ratchet tells her.

"What's he talking about? What's wrong with Optimus?" I ask confused.

"He's very sick, what are you talking about Ratchet?" Arcee asks as she powers down her weapon.

"Does he display brain-wave activity?" Ratchet asks her.

"Spiking hard" she tells him.

"Perfect. If a cure exists, Megatron may be the only one who knows it. You must enter his brain... And find it" Ratchet tells her.

Karina Torres: TFPDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora