Orion Pax: Part 1

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Karina's POV

"He lost himself" Ratchet states.

"That doesn't follow, Optimus knew Megatron" Arcee states.

"They were like BFFs" Bulkhead adds and Bee beeps in agreement.

"If Optimus did not know his name, perhaps it is because the title Prime hadn't yet been granted to him" Ratchet states.

"That makes sense" I state.

"Huh, what?" Jack asks.

"Say again" Miko says. I roll my eyes.

"With the power of Matrix no longer within him, it would stand to reason that Optimus has reverted to his pre-Prime state: the historical archivist Orion Pax" Ratchet tells the others.

"Who knew Megatron, and Ratchet. But not you three" I add.

"You mean in his mind?" Nurse Darby asks.

"Are you telling me Prime thinks he is some kind of librarian?" Fowler asks. "And a decepticon?" he adds.

"Historian and no" I tell him.

"Why are you so calm about this?" Raf asks me.

"Because Optimus obviously thought something like this might happen. So left a way to fix it" I state.

"Also being a decepticon is a choice, Agent Fowler" Ratchet tells him. "One I have a hard time believing Optimus would make at any point in his life" he states.

"So if he's riding with the cons" Bulk says.

"It's because Megatron is working some kind of Voodoo" Arcee states.

"Orion Pax may currently not be a autobot up here" Ratchet says pointing to his helm. "But I must believe, he will never stop being one in here" he says pointing to his spark. I wonder when I started using Cybertronian words? "We must locate him to know for certain" he states.

"Hold up" Fowler says. "I have a chip lodged in my behind, that lets Uncle Sam know when I stop for donuts. Are you telling me you can't track Prime?" he asks.

"T.M.I dude" I tell him.

"Optimus' signal has not reappeared since he embarked for Earth's core" Ratchet states pointing to the screen. "But we must get to work finding him. If we have any hope of intiating his contingency plan" he states.

"Contingency plan?" Arcee asks.

"What's contingency?" Bulk asks.

"Is that even a word?" Miko asks.

"Yes it is Miko" I tell her.

"The key card, so what's it do?" Jack asks as he holds it up.

"It greets access to Vecta Sigma, the repository of the wisdom of the Primes" Ratchet states.

"Is that some sort of super computer?" Raf asks.

"So we can just download Optimus memories back into him? Great, which one of these is the big V?" Jack asks.

"Vector Sigma is more then a super computer Jack" Ratchet tells him. "It's an ancient source of mystical power, on Cybertron" he states.

"Jackson Darby, you will not be traveling to another planet" June tells him.

"I'm in" Miko states.

"You're not going either, Miko" June states. "Not when one of you can" she adds looking at the bots.

"June's right, why send a boy to do a bot's job?" Fowler asks.

"Because only a Prime can access Vector Sigma, or one chosen by a Prime" Ratchet explains.

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