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I decided to skip Legacy, Alpha Omega, Hard Knocks, Inside Job and Patch. As Karina was busy helping her family find a new house. After their last one was discovered by the Decepticons and was no longer safe to live in. Besides aside from Jack in Legacy, the other humans aren't in any of the other episodes.

Karina's POV

So it turns out the others and I have missed quiet a bit while we haven't been at base. Raf and I were busy relocating house with his parents. Jack had work and school. Miko's parents told her she needed to improve her grades or they'd bring her back to Tokyo. But now we are all at the base and have just been informed about the omega keys & lock. While I had my dose of energon.

"You know, I might not be the first human on Cybertron, but I can still be the first human exchange student" Miko states from Bulkhead's shoulder.

"Why didn't you tell us about the Omega keys before?" Jack asks Arcee.

"You probably didn't notice, but things have been kind of intense around here lately" Arcee states.

"So, you guys could really be going home soon, huh?" Raf asks. I frown as I look around at everyone. What about me?

"Don't worry Raf" Miko tells him. "You'll come visit! Once we get our place set up, he can bunk with us, right, Bulk?" she asks.

"Uh Miko" he says sheepishly.

"You are taking me with you, right?" she asks him.

"What about me?" I finally ask and they all look at me. "I can't live without energon, but I was born and raised here. This is my home, how can I survive here without energon? Because I will not leave the only family I have left" I state as tears fill my optics.

"Karina" Raf says and hugs my waist. I hug him back. I can't lose him, or Aunt Claire and Uncle Donnie. I already lost my parents.

"Aren't we getting ahead of ourselves here? Not only do we lack any actual method of reaching Cybertron, but Starscream now controls the sole means of our planet's restoration" Ratchet states. Avoiding answering my question.

"As far as we know" Optimus states.

"You think Starscream's rejoined the Cons?" Smokescreen asks.

"He might've used the Omega keys to buy back Megatron's favor" Arcee suggests.

"Sounds like something he'd do" I mutter.

"Without first trying to sell them to the highest bidder? It wouldn't surprise me if he had the nerve to contact us and..." Ratchet is cut off by the computer beeping. I fly over to it and see a message.

"Okay, that's weird" Bulkhead states.

"Is it Starscream?" Arcee asks.

"Nope, it's a message from Dreadwing" I state. "He wants to meet" I tell them. Optimus leave Ratchet and I in charge of the base. Taking the other four to meet Dreadwing at the coordinates he supplied. "Ratchet, none of you answered my question earlier" I state.

"Ep ep, we'll discuss it later" he tells me not taking his optics off of the screen. I scowl and cross my arms annoyed. Why won't they give me a straight answer?

The others soon return with the Forge of Solus Prime. Apparently, Dreadwing no longer supports the cons, but he won't become an autobot. Still with the forge, Optimus could rebuild the broken star saber. May even be able to make it stronger.

"It's no Star Saber, but I bet it can shatter Megatron's blade and put some dents into that ugly mug of his" Smokescreen states.

"It's not that kind of hammer" Arcee tells him.

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