One Shall Fall

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Karina's POV

We're at the base going through a conspiracy website on Raf's laptop. If we find anything about bots or decepticons. We scrub it and replace it with something else. Ratchet is at his station. I've been going well ever since my first dose of energon. It's been nearly a week though and I am starting to get tired again. But I haven't said anything as the bots seem worried about something. Though they haven't told us what they are worried about.

"Pass" Jack and I say bored. Raf goes to the next picture. "Kid in a costume" Jack mutters. Raf goes to the next photo.

"Balloon" I say as I lean back on the couch. Fighting back a yawn. Raf goes to the next photo.

"Nope" Jack says and Raf goes to a next photo. It was of Bee driving with no driver. "The camera sure loves Bee" Jack states. I nod my head in agreement.

"What can you do? When you're a superstar, you're paparazzi bait" Miko states. Putting her feet on the table.

"Wait, is that Bumblebee?" Ratchet asks us.

"On a conspiracy website of close encounters" Raf tells him.

"Don't worry though, we have it covered. Well Raf does" I assure him.

"She's right, we just scrub Bee and replace him with..." Raf says as he does it. He puts a cat gif in place of Bee.

"Mars cat says take me to your feeder" the gif says. Ratcher laughs. Surprising us all.

"Ratchet actually laughed?" Miko asks.

"Ah Optimus, do you want to see something funny?" Jack asks him.

"No" Optimus answers not taking his eyes off of the screen in front of him.

"Don't take it personally, Primes aren't built that way" Arcee tells us as she enters the room with Bulkhead.

"He doesn't smile, laugh, cry or lose his cool" Bulkhead adds.

"While Optimus certainly keeps his emotions in check. I've known him for far longer then any of you have. He was different before he became a Prime" Ratchet tells us.

"Optimus wasn't always a Prime?" Raf and I ask.

"How come you do that with Raf and Jack. But never me?" Miko asks me.

"Guess we're on a different wavelength" I tell her and she rolls her eyes.

"On Cybertron one is not born into greatness. Rather one must earn it" Ratchet tells us.

"Different how?" Miko asks him confused. "We talking party animal" she suggests. I giggle at the thought of Optimus ever being a party animal.

"No, Optimus was more like Jack" Ratchet tells us.

"What?" Jack asks shocked while we all look at him. "I'm nothing lik..." he starts to say. When Agent Fowler appears on screen interrupting him.

"Prime, those tech heists my department has been tracking. We figured it was MECH on the account of their stealth tech. Until a security camera caught this" he states. A video of Sound-wave appears on screen.

"Sound-wave" I say.

"Raf can swap that out for you with a cat" Miko tells him.

"The con without a face with a cutting edge phase conductor. Along with a punch list everything else we've confirmed to date" Fowler tells us. A list of things appear on screen and Ratchet reads them out loud.

"There is only one thing missing if they intend to build what I think they are trying to build" Ratchet tells us.

"Don't tell us" I grumble. The cons are trying to build another space bridge. According to Ratchet all they need now is a power supply to give them the energy they need to open it. Raf, Bee and I decide to go racing while we wait for news.

However, we don't even make it to our usual spot when Bee is called in for back up. He was told to drop Raf and I at the exit ramp. Ratchet would bridge us back to base from there. Bee apologizes to us. "It's ok Bee, we'll go racing some over time" Raf assures him from the back seat. I'm in the drivers seat.

Suddenly my necklace begins to heat up and I frown. "Something's not right" I tell them. Looking out the window and Raf looks out the back window. We hear gun shots and Bee starts to wave to avoid being shot. "Raf hang on!" I shout as I grip my seat tightly. Bee gets zapped and I see purple sparks before I black out.

(Base) Third Persons POV

The bots are bridged back to base with an unconscious Raf and Karina. But Karina is in worse shape then Raf, her veins going purple. They are both taken to the medical bay and June is called in. "Raf, Karina" Jack says.

"No" Miko says.

"What happened?" Ratchet asks Bee and Arcee.

"Megatron" Arcee answers looking up from Raf.

"Rafael and Karina aren't responding" Ratchet states. "We must run a diagnostic, argh my tools are all wrong!" he exclaims throwing them. "The weak will parish, be strong Karina and Rafael" he tells them. June is bridged to base and runs over to Karina & Raf telling Jack to get her medical bag. Ratchet does a scan of Raf and Karina's bodies.

"Measuring the level of exposure, should help us with treatment" he tells June.

"If I don't stabilize them now, they won't leave this table alive" June tells him. Ratchet steps back letting her take control. Bee punches a wall in frustration and Arcee pins him to it. Getting him to calm down. Optimus calls in and Ratchet gives him an update. Before bridging Bulkhead back to base. "Jack help me get Raf and Karina to the car. They are going to the emergency room" she tells her son.

"Nurse Darby, your doctors won't be able to comprehend  what's affecting them. Not without a decade of study" Ratchet tells her.

"I don't have time to argue" she tells him.

"The affects of an energorn blast can have devastating affects on a cybertronian body. But these are two humans" Ratchet tells her. "If it was a normal pulse, it shouldn't be affecting Karina so badly. I'm not getting any readings" he states. "How could I have not seen this. Raf andKarina have been infected by dark energon" he tells them.

"If dark energon is devouring them from the inside out. We must expel it quickly" Ratchet states taking another scan of both kids. "There's only one possible way I know, Karina's body is already doing. Which is why she's in worse shape then Rafael" he states. "I need energon" he adds.

"Wait you said energon is devasting to all humans but Karina" June reminds him.

"Under normal circumstances, quiet" Ratchet confirms. "But I'm relying on the dark matter in their bodies to meet it head on. Like it is in Karina's body" he states. Bee volunteers to donate his energon to help save his two charges. Ratchet extracts it and gets to work straight away.

Raf and Karina are placed in the decontamination capsule and it is turned on. A bright light fills the room. Once it clears the capsule is opened. The human run in and Jun checks their vitals. Both their pulses were getting stronger and they woke up.

"Bee" Raf says weakly.

"Raf" Karina says relieved. Miko hugs Raf.

"Optimus, we did it" Ratchet states. They all go back to the main room, Ratchet trying to get a fix on Optimus' location. While June checks Raf and Karina's vitals. Raf is now sitting up, but Karina stays laying down feeling exhausted.


Gif above of Ratchet laughing and picture on the external link of Raf sick.

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