Metal Attraction, Rock Bottom and Partners

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(Metal Attraction)

It was another normal day at base. It's been several days since June found out about the war. She comes to the base nearly everyday to check on Jack. Today Optimus and Bee were on a scouting mission. So Bulkhead picked up Karina and Raf from school. He then took them and Miko for some off roading. Which was a lot of fun. Karina made sure everyone had a seat belt on.

They arrived back at base Miko and Raf raving about the last turn Bulkhead had down. Karina notices June first and assures her that all three wore seat belts. Ratchet noticed a strange magnetic signature on screen. He sent Bulkhead to investigate. Arcee went after Jack and his mum argued about why he could help Arcee test her new upgrades. But Miko couldn't go on a recon mission.

But Miko had followed Arcee and Bulkhead through the ground bridge. Karina got Jack and Raf to do their home work as she did her own. When Arcee realized Miko had followed she went to send her back. But Miko talked her into letting her stay.

Miko requests Bulkhead play some rock music. Arcee tells him to shut it off, as it's not exactly stealthy. They soon find Breakdown and Airachnid fighting over some goblet. Leaving Miko a safe distance behind, the two Autobots leap into combat, surprising Airachnid, who has just gotten the upper hand.

Bulkhead tosses Arcee into the air, and she shoots at the pair before charging at Breakdown. But Airachnid insists on facing Arcee herself. After a few minutes' fighting, Bulkhead and Arcee overcome their opponents. But Breakdown grabs the weapon and activates it. Warning him that it isn't a toy, Airachnid retreats underground.

Meanwhile Arcee and Bulkhead find themselves being dragged towards each other. The weapon hoists them into the air before slamming them back against some rocks. Breakdown then left with the goblet. Arcee discovers she's magnetically attached to Bulkhead's back. They agree to go after the two cons.

Arcee insists on Miko returning to base, and Miko complains loudly that she sounds just like Jack's mom. Which June naturally hears over the comm link. Miko returns to base anyway by ground bridge. Where Karina makes her do her English essay.

Soon Arcee and Bulkhead return to base unstuck with the goblet.  Where they give it to Ratchet, and June apologizes for being overprotective. "It's your job as a mum" Karina tells her. "Anyway, we should get home Raf. See you guys later" she says before Bulkhead takes them and Miko home.

(Rock Bottom)

Arcee, Bulkhead, Jack and Miko had gone to investigate an old energon mine. Karina and Raf would of gone with. But it was the site where Karina's parents died. She did not wish to go there. So she choose to stay back at base and Raf choose to stay with her. For some much needed family bonding time. Meaning racing games.

Karina was glad they didn't go. When she hears about how the other four nearly died in that mine. After a run in with Megatron and Starscream. "You are never to go to any mines" she told Raf. Who nod his head.

Arceee and Bulkhead cleanned up before taking the other two home. So that they could clean up themselves. Bee took Karina and Raf home. Karina had nightmares that night about her parents death. About losing the others the same way. So she went to Raf's room and he allowed her to sleep on his bed with him. She felt happier holding him in her arms, knowing he was safe.


Karina went with Arcee to Cliffjumper's grave site. Where Arcee introduced her to her (Arcee's) dead partner. Karina then left Arcee alone with Cliff Jumper's grave site. Knowing she needed a moment alone. She decides she should visit her parents own graves soon. She hadn't since their joint funeral.

When Arcee returned to the control room. Ratchet's scanners detected an ancient Decepticon Signature. Optimus lead the team to investigate it. While Karina stayed with Ratchet for another scan. He wanted to keep updates on the energon in her system and any changes to her body. So far nothing extreme. Aside from there being more energon then blood in her veins. He thinks she may need to start taking energon to avoid getting sick.

Anyway the autobots ran into Airachnid and scared her. They captured a webbed up Starscream. Who claimed he wanted to change sides and join the autobots. They cuff his hands and wings. He lead them to a stone arch. Where Arcee was left to guard him while the other three went after Airachnid. Starscream tries to convince Arcee that he's safe to let go, but inadvertently lets Arcee know that he was the one who killed Cliffjumper.

He frantically attempts to convince her that it was a mercy killing, but Arcee doesn't buy it. She throws down the key to the cuffs so he can free himself and make it a fair fight. But he tricks her into getting close enough that he can wound her with his claws. He then frees his hands and they begin to fight.

Meanwhile Optimus and Bulkhead had been frozen by the Imobolizer Airachnid had found. Bee pretended to be frozen.  He snuck up behind her and sucker punches her. As the Immobilizer is thrown into the air, Bumblebee shoots it and it shatters. Airachnid flees under fire from Bee.

Starscream gets the upper hand in his fight against Arcee, kicking her around brutally. As he moves in to finish her off, she reveals she's been playing possum, and delivers a series of blows that brings him down. Arcee has her blades at Starscream's throat, ready to kill him, when she realizes that they're being watched by Bumblebee. She lets Starscream limp away and collapses.

Bee managed to get all three back to base. Ratchet tended to Arcee's wounds first before repairing the immobilizer Bee blasted. He used it to unfreeze Optimus and Bulkhead. Bee then took Karina to her parents grave site. She stopped and got flowers along the way and placed them on the graves. She told them about the autobots and war. Saying she missed them dearly. Before letting Bee take her home.


Picture above of Bulkhead with Arcee and picture on the external link of Starscream in cuffs.

Chapters go back to single episodes the next chapter. I will update again asap, see you all next time in T. M. I.

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