One Shall Rise: Part 1

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Karina's POV

Bulkhead, Ratchet and Arcee went to retrieve Optimus. While Bee stayed at base with us humans. June checking mine and Raf's vitals again. I'm feeling better now, but still weak. Optimus comes through the bridge supported by Ratchet and Bulkhead. Arcee covering their backs until the bridge closed.

"Easy Optimus, you were exposed to a lot of dark energon" Ratchet tells him.

"I'm not the only one" Optimus states as he sits down beside Raf and I.

"Hey" we say with small smiles.

"They're lucky to be alive" June snaps.

"It wasn't their fault" I tell her.

"Megatron found more of the dark stuff?" Jack asks as he appears with Miko.

"A volcano full" Arcee states.

"The question is how?" Bulkhead asks.

"No, the question is what" Ratchet corrects him. "As in, what is the blood of Unicron doing on Earth?" he demands.

"The cons killed a unicorn?" Miko asks.

"He said Unicron, not unicorn" I correct her.

"Unicron is an ancient evil, whose blood is made up of the matter we call dark energon. As legend would have it" Ratchet tells us.

"So what you're saying is, he's a boogeyman?" June asks.

"Boogeyman?" the bots asks confused.

"Make believe creepy guy who hides in your closet" Miko states.

"No, Nurse Darby. Unicron is very real" Ratchet tells her. "Was, I believe he once existed. But I believe the substance that hurt Karina and Raf was hie blood dark energon" he states.

"That's it, I've heard enough" June states. "Jack, help me get Raf and Karina into the car" she tells him. As she wheels Raf over to it.

"What?" I ask confused and Bee beeps in confusion.

"Mum, I thought they were doing better" Jack says confused.

"Raf and Karina, need to be examined by real doctors. And their family needs to know what happened" June states. "Their real family" she adds.

"Enough!" I snap getting to my feet. "Raf and I are family. The bots are our family. I can't go to a real doctor. They will try to flush the energon from my system. Which will kill me" I state. "But I'd like for Raf to be examined by a human doctor" I add as I sit down.

"Karina, won't you come?" he asks me.

"I'm not really up for a road trip cousin. I'll call you later ok" I assure him. He nods his head. He left with June. While Jack and Miko remained. "Bee, follow them. Make sure they don't get hurt" I tell him. He beeps nodding his head and transforms leaving the base.

"Prime, do you copy?" Fowler asks as he appears on screen.

"I hear you Agent Fowler" Optimus states as he gets to his feet and goes over to the screen.

"Been watching the news lately?" Fowler asks. "Mother nature has a twitch in her breeches" he states.

"We know about the volcano" Optimus assures him.

"And earthquakes?" Fowler asks. "They started the same time the volcano erupted" he tells us. "All over the globe. On different plates, which would be unrelated. If..." he starts.

"They hadn't happened at the same time" Ratchet finishes.

"Check it out, more good news" Miko tells us pointing at the TV. She turns up the volume, so that we could all hear it.

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