Stronger, Faster

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Karina's POV

I haven't been given any energon yet. But I am feeling more tired then usual. Today only Raf and I are at the base. Ratchet has been working on the synthetic energon formula. But he still hasn't had a break through yet. "Hey Ratchet. Is that synthetic Energon?" Raf asks as Ratchet examines a green liquid with his microscope.

"Well, yes in fact I'm preparing to test the sample" Ratchet tells us. "I see that you come equipped with protective goggles" he says looking at Raf.

"I can watch?" Raf asks excited.

"You both can" Ratchet tells us. "We just add some to this test engine" he states. He does so and we watch it. It soon starts to move.

"It works, Bee!" Raf calls.

"This iteration of the formula requires further trial before we can even think about using it for fuel, ammunition, or first aid" Ratchet tells him. "Which is rather unfortunate, since our own energon reserves are at an all-time low. Our severely outnumbered warriors have been rapidly burning through our stockpile of late as the decepticon army continues to run us ragged and grind us down. Natural energon is in such short supply on your planet, and Megatron seems to have his oily claws buried deep in all the earth's deposits. But if we can successfully produce a synthetic form, we can manufacture all the energy we'll ever need" he explains.

"Do you think it'd be safe for me?" I ask him.

"I don't know" he states. The alarm goes off. Signalling more energon on the move. Arcee, Optimus, Bee and Bulkhead go to the screen.

"More energon on the move" Arcee states.

"Again" Bulkhead says.

"Their recent activity suggests a familiar pattern. The decepticons are desperately scouting for new energon deposits to mine" Optimus states. He goes to give the order to roll out. But Ratchet stops him.

"Optimus, if one of you comes back wounded this time. Well, our energon reserves are nearly depleted" he tells him lowly.

"Understood" Optimus tells him. "Activate the ground bridge. Autobots, roll out" he orders. Ratchet activates the bridge and the others left.

"Raf, we have your homework" I state. We go to get it. But soon hear a loud thud. We run back to the bridge to see Ratchet on the floor next to an empty container of synthetic energon.

"Ratchet? Wake up!" we shout. He soon groans waking and sits up.

"How is it that such small beings can be so loud?" he grumbles.

"What did you do?" I ask him.

"Are you hurt? You fell" Raf tells him. As Ratchet gets to his feet.

"I'm fine" he assures Raf. He then looks at his vital. "More then fine, energy efficiency is up 30 %. Motor functions optimal" he says with a laugh. I notice his eyes are green and not their usual blue. "Any word from the others?" he asks us and we shake our heads.

"Are you sure you're alright Ratchet? Your eyes a..." I start to say. But we get a call from Optimus asking us to lock onto Arcee's signal.

"Arcee decelerate and prepare to return to base" Ratchet tells her over the com-link.

"Save it Ratchet, I'm to close" she tells him.

"Don't be a fool" he tells her. Suddenly the screen beeps. "She's hurt" he tells us and activates the ground bridge. He tells us to man it before going through it. I share a look with Raf and we go over to the control panel. We soon get a call to open a ground bridge. We do so and they all return.

Karina Torres: TFPWhere stories live. Discover now