pancakes and priceless moments

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i opened my eyes to find myself in the same position as every morning, laying on my back with leahs head placed gently on my chest

"morning beautiful" i whispered as my fingers played with a few loose strands of her hair

she groaned lightly, her eyes remaining closed as she moved her head slightly to get more comfortable

"baby wake up" i said softly and placed a little kiss to her head

"five more minutes" she demanded, her voice groggy yet clear enough to get her point across

"okay fine. but after that we're getting up" i compromised, causing a loud groan from my girlfriend

i spent the whole five minutes staring at the ceiling, estimating roughly how long it would be until i could get her to get up

i took a rough guess and decided it was time for both of us to get out of bed

"times up buddy" i said, an excited tone creeping in my voice, eager to start to day

"no way was that five minutes" she exclaimed as she lifted her head up to allow her eyes to meet mine

"boo hoo" i said sarcastically and forced a frown on my face

"shut up" she replied and placed her hand on my jaw and pushed my head away from her

"i'll tell your mum you did that" i exclaimed and gripped onto my jaw to pretend like i was in pain

"you wouldn't dare" she exclaimed sarcastically

"watch me" i replied with a smirk tugging at my lips

she couldn't help but soften her eyes at my smirk and she placed her hand on my face, cupping my cheek

"you know that smirk is my soft spot" she said softly as she gazed into my eyes

"why'd you think i did it" i replied and smirked once more, even harder than before

"i'm so glad i met you" she muttered under her breath

"hm? sorry? what was that?" i said sarcastically

"you know what i said" she remarked and rolled her eyes dramatically

"as much as i love you, we're going to visit your parents today so we better get a wriggle on" i whispered before leaning in to place my lips against hers

she moaned quietly under her breath as our lips attached yet groaned at the shortness of the kiss

after the game yesterday, amanda had invited both of us over for lunch today as leahs grandmother was visiting

although i was nervous, i was sure she would love me just as much as her parents and brother do

"up up up baby" i said before sliding myself out of bed and offering my hand out to her to help her up

"i want you ready in an hour because we have a few pit stops to make on the way" i stated as i helped leah up

"okay" she replied with a small smile

"do you want breakfast?" i asked as she clinged onto me and nestled her head into my neck

she nodded her head against my bare skin

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