The Blonde

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after my busy day with signing contracts and being interviewed, i headed over to leah's house via google maps

i couldn't wait to see her, i really missed her. i mean it's only been a few days, but still

about 15 minutes later, i pulled up into her driveway

i gave myself a few minutes to compose myself before grabbing my bag and walk up to the door

fuck i'm so nervous

after several knocks on the door, i heard footsteps from inside, gradually getting louder until the door opened

and there she was, standing in the doorway, her hair up in a bun and wearing my jumper

"you gonna come in or are you going to just stare?" she teased

i snapped out of my trance and walked through the door, with leah closing the door behind me

she watched me take off my shoes, looking me up and down in the process

"stop checking me out, williamson" i said, smirking at her

she pushed me slightly before giving me a tour of her house

as we walked through each room, i noticed all of the photos either hung up or placed neatly in a frame on shelves

i knew leah was family orientated but i didn't know she liked her family this much

i stood for a while looking at this one photo in particular

it was a photo of her and her mum after england had won the euros. she looked beautiful but most of all, happy

"alex where have you gone" she asked, her voice being distant

"i'm in the hallway" i replied, still fixing my eyes on the photo

she eventually found me and realised what i was looking at

"i love that photo" she said "that was the happiest day of my life"

"i was there that day you know, it's a game i could never forget" i said, turning to face her "you look beautiful in that photo"

"what, and i don't look beautiful now? wow thanks" she said, trying to act upset by my words whilst gently punching me on my arm

"you know what i meant" i chuckled whilst holding my arm pretending to be in pain

"you can't be mean to your 'rock' now, can you?" she said sarcastically

she must have seen the interview

i tried to play it off the best i could

"yeah well, that particular rock looks stunning so i might have to keep it around for a while" i replied, rubbing my hand on the back of my neck

she nudged me again and dragged me upstairs to continue the tour

"and last but not least, my bedroom" she said

i took a long look at her room

her room was covered in all of her achievements over the years and all of her old shirts

"wow, quite the collection you have" i said, taking interest in the multiple shirts framed and hung up on the wall

she went through each shirt, telling me the detail of each one and why they were so important to her

"that's cute" i said, pointing at a photo of her younger self drowning in an arsenal top

"once a gooner, always a gooner" she said, laughing at herself

she wandered off around the room, trying to find something else important for her to show me

i followed her and put both of my hands on her waist from behind

she turned her head to look at me and smiled, putting her head back against my chest

"i really missed you, you know" i admitted

"softy" she whispered as she turned around to face me, putting her hands around my neck

i placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head before pulling her into a long yet loving hug

"i missed you too al" she said softly

a few moments later, she suggested a movie marathon, so that's exactly what we did

i'm an easy person so i just go with the flow, i'm happy to do whatever, as long as the other person is happy

we sat down on the couch and leah put on a movie

"what are we watching" i asked whilst putting my arm around her

"harry potter obviously, if we're going to do a movie marathon then we better do it right" she replied, snuggling into me and laying her head against my chest

she placed one hand on my chest and the other in my hand, intertwining our fingers together

neither one of us talked for a while, we were just enjoying spending time together

as the movie played the credits, i looked down and of course she was sleeping

she looks so cute

i ran my fingers through her hair, trying my best to keep her asleep

i used my other hand, the one holding hers, to grab a blanket

her eyes automatically opened

"what do you think you're doing" she said angrily, raising her eyebrow at me

"i'm just grabbing you a blanket, you looked cold" i replied, slightly panicking

"i never said you could let go of my hand" she said, holding hers out in front of me waiting for me to take it back

i quickly grabbed the blanket and placed it over her before taking her hand back into my own

i put the next movie on so i could enjoy it whilst i let her sleep

halfway through the movie, my eyes felt heavy


a few hours later, i finally awoke

both leah and i were laid down on the sofa, spooning

of course i'm the big spoon

my hands were placed around her stomach, keeping her as close to me as possible

i placed a gentle but sweet kiss onto her neck, waking her up in the process

"i didn't mean to wake you" i said as she turned around to face me

"if this is how i was to be woken up every time i fell asleep then i wouldn't mind at all" she said, all groggy, burying her head into my neck

we both fell back asleep in eachothers embrace

man, i think i really like this girl

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