journey and jealousy

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skip to game day

"baby wake up" i said softly as she slept on my chest

she groaned slightly and her eyes remained closed

"le you're late" i said again and with that, she sprung up and immediately jumped out of bed

"what? what's the time?" she said, panic filled in her voice

"i'm only joking, it's only 9" i giggled, pointing and mocking her as i spoke

"you're such a dickhead, you know that" she scoffed mid yawn

"i think you mean i'm hilarious" i said, still laughing at leah who stood with her arms crossed at the end of the bed

"if i meant hilarious, i would've said it" she scoffed again as her eyes rolled "and for that stunt you just pulled, you're making me breakfast and packing my bag"

"you're acting as if i don't do that for you every morning anyway" i muttered

"what was that?" she said, her voice laced with sarcasm

"nothing my love" i said quietly followed by a slight giggle

"mhm that's what i thought" she replied and disappeared into the bathroom

i laid in bed for a few more minutes before dragging myself out of bed and down the stairs

i made breakfast as usual and called leah down to eat

she appeared a few minutes later, half dressed and her hair in a messy bun

"i would say thank you but i don't think you deserve it after the way i was woken up this morning" she mumbled in between chews of her bagel

"you cant lie, it was hilarious" i exclaimed as i took the last bite of my breakfast

"yeah my heart pounding and palpitations is hilarious man. real funny one" she replied, a serious expression covering her face before revealing a slight smile followed by a laugh

"you're really bad at lying, you know that right" i pointed out, letting a smile form on my face

"you believe me when i tell you i love you though?" she said before eating the last bite of her meal

all facial expressions that occupied my face dropped to dramatise my 'sadness' and no words left my mouth

"baby i'm joking" she said as she reached for my hand which resulted in me pulling mine away, out of reach

i ignored her, got up from the table and picked up both plates before turning away and walking to the kitchen

"alex please" she begged, following me into the kitchen and placed her hands around my waist

"i was only joking baby, come on" she said, her voice slightly shaky

i tried my best to contain my laughter but eventually i gave in and it burst out

"sorry i couldn't contain myself any longer" i said in between laughs and deep breaths

"i actually hate you" she exclaimed

"my point proven" i said as i recovered from my laughing fit "now hurry up and get dressed or we actually will be late"

i shooed her out of the kitchen, grabbed her water bottle and a few gels and headed back upstairs to pack her bag and get myself ready

i threw on my arsenal tracksuit and put my hair in a ponytail whilst leah faffed around doing god knows what

i packed her bag before sitting down on the bed to wait for her to finish getting ready

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