Chapter 47: A New Era

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Every time someone listened to Uta's songs, their spirit was transported to the singer's imaginary world, where they would remain forever. The concert was broadcast live around the world, with the number of people arriving in Uta World increasing every minute. Over 70% of humanity was locked in this alternative dimension, and the new era of Uta was about to begin.

The fate of the world was not yet sealed, but there was still a glimmer of hope thanks to (Y/N). This pirate fought bravely against Uta to protect his life and the rest of the world. But Uta could do anything in her world, and no one could defeat her, despite (Y/N)'s courage. Equipped with armour and a spear, Uta exchanged powerful blows against (Y/N)'s sword. Wind enveloped (Y/N)'s blade, which struck Uta with a powerful gust.

(Y/N): "I... I win!"

Uta: "You think so? You shouldn't claim victory before you've really defeated me."

Musical notes appeared around (Y/N) and caught the pirate in an explosion of colour. The fairy smoke dissipated to reveal (Y/N) lying on the ground, unconscious after being crushed by Uta. When he opened his eyes again, (Y/N) noticed that the landscape had changed. A magnificent field of flowers had taken the place of the Elegia where he had fought Uta.

(Y/N) stopped at a dilapidated temple when he heard footsteps approaching him. Immediately, he unsheathed his sword and turned towards a man who seemed to be his mirror image. The pirate was surprised to see someone who looked exactly like him, but the only difference was the man's red eyes.

???: "Welcome (Y/N). This isn't your first time here, right?" He asked with a small smile.

(Y/N): "What is this place and who are you? How can you look like me?"

???: "You don't need to be afraid of me. We are in the depths of your mind. This place represents the goodness and gentleness of your heart, I can tell you're a great person."

(Y/N): "My heart?"

???: "Despite your kindness and your love for the world. There is a part of darkness in you like every other person. This temple is the door to the dark part of your soul, the world I come from. I am you and you are me, the human called (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "I don't understand a word you're saying. Who are you really? What are you going to do?"

???: "The balance has been broken. Now it's time for me to come back. Good night, (Y/N)... The new era awaits me..."

Back in Uta's world, she approached (Y/N) who was unconscious. She was surprised to notice his body starting to move. Wild Wind was supposed to have

lost the fight, but he slowly stood up, holding his katana in the palm of his hand. Suddenly, he disappeared from Uta's sight, he seemed too fast for her reaction speed.

Uta: "What?" She was interrupted by (Y/N) reappearing in front of her. Uta's eyes widened and she coughed up blood as (Y/N)'s katana pierced her body.

(Y/N): "I'm sorry, but I know you can't die in this world. Now stay calm because I need to talk to you... Nice to meet you, Uta. My name is (Y/N), but I'm different from the one you know."

The tone of (Y/N)'s voice had changed, it sounded colder and calmer. Uta felt confused by (Y/N)'s words, but she noticed that the man's eyes had changed. (Y/N)'s face now had red eyes as he smiled before removing his katana from Uta's body, collapsing to the ground.

Uta: "If... If you're not (Y/N), then who are you? V... You have the same name."

(Y/N): "I'm just the shadow of (Y/N), so you can call me Shadow (Y/N). It's thanks to your power that I was able to manifest myself. In the real world, my awakening was impossible, but this world doesn't work the same way. The real (Y/N) has lost consciousness, his mind is in a deep sleep so I was able to take control of this body."

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