Chapter 25: Injured

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Alabasta Kingdom

Inside a large casino where various people from all over the world came, there was the headquarters of a secret organisation as a man with a scar on his face, smoking a cigar, was sitting at the table with a newspaper in his hands about the latest events in the New World with Kaido that spread around the world as a small pirate crew had declared war on an Emperor.

???: Did you call me? A woman asked the man who threw the newspaper at her as she grabbed it with confusion.

???: I think there is something that might interest you, Nico Robin.

Nico Robin, the Devil Child, an archaeologist from Ohara where she had managed to escape from the island with her childhood friend, (Y/N), but he disappeared mysteriously after their escape, leaving her alone for years. Despite the pain of losing the people she loved, Robin thought that she could have the support of her best friend who had promised to take care of her, together they could have support each other in this ordeal, even if her family and friends were dead, Robin felt reassured and happy to know that she was not alone since (Y/N) was with her.

Robin: (Y/N)...

"Robin: (Y/N), where are you? Please don't leave me alone..."

However, the reality was different, as the girl suddenly found herself alone with the boy missing. His promise was futile, a lie. He had lied to her and abandoned her, broken her trust and left her alone in her pain of having to bear the destruction of Ohara and escape the World Government for many years.

Robin: ... Tears formed in Robin's eyes at the sight of the newspaper and (Y/N)'s new bounty, after so many years she had finally news of him even though she couldn't help feeling resentment towards the young man for leaving her alone all this time.

???: Miss All Sunday?

Robin: The last time I saw him, we were just children, but I didn't know he had survived. Now we have nothing to do, obviously he has decided to become a pirate.

The woman left without saying a word, gripping the newspaper angrily as she walked to a room where no one was inside and sat down on the floor to read the article about (Y/N) carefully, but she could't stop the tears flowing from her eyes.

Robin: I hate you for abandoning me, but you can't know how happy I am to know that you are still alive, somewhere in the world, I would love to see you again...

New World

A wind blew through the room, shaking (Y/N)'s hair as he seemed confused since he didn't understand the man's intentions. His eyes turned to his new bounty even though it was the same picture as before, but he didn't know how the World Government had learned about the events of Wano.

He thought he could start his journey quietly, but the world already knew about his return. Perhaps Robin would learn that he was finally back after years of disappearance? A wistful smile appeared on his face at the thought of his friend whom he had abandoned, but he intended to find her at all costs, even if he had to cross the whole world for her.

Law: Hey Wild Wind, don't ignore me, I'm talking to you about something important.

(Y/N): Yeah, sorry, I was lost in thought... You want me to work with you, but you understand that I don't know you, so I'm suspicious. I want to know where I am and where my companions are first and then we can discuss anything you want later.

Law: Your companions are on the northern coasts of the island, I met them two days ago when you were injured. They begged me to heal you and I accepted to do it.

(Y/N): It's true that I was healed, but how can I be sure that it was you who saved me?

Law: You slept for several days and your wounds were serious, I healed you and I could have handed you over to the Marines or even killed you in your sleep.

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