Chapter 13: Demons

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(Y/N): Nico Olvia?

Robin: Saul told me that a Marines ship was coming to eliminate all the archaeologists on the island... He also told me that my mother could be there...

(Y/N): No... It's going to be a disaster... Robin, it's not a Marines ship, but a World Government ship, I saw it with my own eyes. They might kill all the archaeologists of Ohara, so we have to get away from here!

Robin: We can't abandon the archaeologists! And my mother is here too! We can't leave like that! ! She cried out as she began to run to the surprise of (Y/N) who begged her to return, but she ignored him as she continued to run at full speed by avoiding the crowd.

The boy sighed before pursuing the girl who went to the Tree of Knowledge. He heard cries of surprise and saw a woman with long white hair who was running in the opposite direction with a gun in her hands, even though he didn't have the time to linger over this before continuing to pursue Robin to the huge tree.

She arrived at the Tree of Knowledge and slammed the door, causing a noise that resonated through the library. The young girl called the Professor as she tried to catch her breath. The archaeologists turned their attention towards the little girl while (Y/N) entered inside too.

Robin: My... My mother... Is she back? She asked, surprising everybody who kept quiet. According to their reaction, (Y/N) understood that the woman was back in Ohara to his frustration since he didn't like her.

Clover: What are you talking about? Your mother is not in Ohara.

Robin: ...

(Y/N): Professor, a World Government ship is here! It's the panic in the city.

Clover: I see, it's normal with a World Government ship on the island. They will probably investigate us. Listen to me, kids, no matter what happens, you mustn't say anything to the World Government's agents. You are lucky because you're young, so you won't be suspected.

The attention of (Y/N) was drawn by the sound of footsteps before men, dressed in suits and armed with guns, suddenly entered the room to the surprise of everyone with the order to capture everybody inside, even the two children.

World Government Agent: This research centre is suspected of decoding the Poneglyphs. We're going to start an investigation, so everyone, go outside and hurry up! They shouted at the archaeologists, who had to cooperate against their will at the risk of being killed. (Y/N) swallowed before putting his hand on his katana, ready to unsheathe it at any moment.

(Y/N): I have to wait and see how things develop...

Robin: ... She seemed panicked as (Y/N) grabbed her hand. She looked up at the smiling face of the boy who wanted to reassure her, although he was not confident himself.

(Y/N): Everything is fine, I am with you.

The archaeologists began to leave the library under the supervision of the World Government agents, who were making sure that they didn't flee. Robin moved forward with (Y/N) before an agent interrupted the boy by pointing his gun at him to the panic of all.

World Government Agent: You have a sword and a Log Pose! What does that mean? Who are you, kid? Are you a young pirate? Answer me, kid!

(Y/N): What? It's absurd! I am not a pirate!

Word Government Agent: Do you think that I'll believe that? Why do you have this kind of object? Are you a young criminal? I don't recognise you, your face doesn't ring a bell.

(Y/N): It's obvious because I'm not a criminal! I've done nothing.

Robin: He's right, (Y/N) is not a criminal. Those are copies, he likes to play explorers!

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