Chapter 39: My Dream

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Hello! Before the chapter starts, I wanted to warn you that it's different from the others. This chapter is in (Y/N)'s point of view because I wanted to try that at least once in the story. The other chapters will be from the narrator's point of view, this is just an exception.

Thank you all and good reading!

A few years ago

I missed Kikunojo, even though I also liked to call her Kiku because we were close. It had been a few months since I'd arrived on Ohara, even if I didn't know how I'd got here. I remembered that I was in my room, but it's true that I was bored because there was a snowstorm outside and I couldn't go out to play with the animals.

I was lying on the floor and looking peacefully at the ceiling until I suddenly lost consciousness. Maybe I saw a strange light before I passed out, but I'm not sure and I woke up on this island far from Wano. It's sad to have left my homeland, but I'm still glad to be here because I met Robin and learnt a lot about the outside world.

The world was so much bigger and more mysterious than I thought! If I'd stayed in Wano all my life, I wouldn't have been able to experience that. But I still love my island, it's where I was born and grew up, and I would love to see Kiku again. What was she doing without me? She must be worried, but I'm worried for her too, I hope she's fine.

???: (Y/N)?

A voice called out to me as I looked up at Robin, who seemed worried. We were at my home, a small house in the forest, and she was giving me lessons on the Poneglyphs. I was interested in these steles and wanted to be able to read them, so Robin was teaching me the ancient language of the Void Century.

(Y/N): Sorry, I was lost in thought.

Robin: You should be more focused, we're about to start an important exercise to test your knowledge.

(Y/N): I'm sick of working... I'd rather go fishing, are you coming with me? I stood up from the table to leave the house, but Robin's arms blocked my path.

Robin: You're not going anywhere until we've finished working, are you the one who wanted to learn the Poneglyph language?

(Y/N): I know, but I'm tired... I want to play outside!

Robin: We can go fishing if you finish the exercise, and I'll even give you a strawberry cake if you get the answers right! She knew my weakness was food so I sat down to continue studying against my will, but I'd get a reward at the end.

(Y/N): I'm going to finish this exercise easly and quickly! I exclaimed, grabbing a pen as she wanted to laugh.

Robin: You're always so funny...

(Y/N): What?

Robin: No, I didn't say anything... She seemed embarrassed by what she said, although I didn't quite understand, she was often strange.

Later, the sun was starting to set so Robin had to get home before she was punished by her aunt and uncle for being late. We walked together through the town to her house, I knew that the townspeople looked at us badly because they thought we were monsters.

The people of Ohara, except for the archaeologists, were lucky otherwise I would already have sliced them with my katana if Robin hadn't stopped me. Arriving at Robin's house, she smiled at me before opening the front door.

Robin: See you tomorrow, (Y/N)...

(Y/N): Yeah, see ya...

I was now alone. Robin had gone home, so I'd have to go home too, but honestly I still wanted to stay out. Outside the city, I flew thanks to my devil fruit, I couldn't swim anymore, but now I was able to fly through the air like a bird, it was fabulous!

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