Chapter 1: The Boy of Wano

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The Flower Capital, the main city and capital of Wano and also the administrative center of the country. The city was the most rich and peaceful of the island, far away from all the problems that were striking on the rest of the country currently with the arrival of Emperor Kaido who had put an end to the reign of the Kozuki family and placed Orochi, as the shogun of the island

The city was a breathtaking beauty during all seasons of the year. At the moment, in spring, the cherry blossoms had flowered, colouring the area. The wind was blowing, blowing away the pink petals through the city, giving a wonderful natural spectacle.

Anyone residing in Wano dreamed to live here, it was a dream that the children living outside the capital did, but it was only an illusion. Of course, the life was more enjoyable in the Flower Capital, but around its wonders, they had so many problems that made life more difficult for the inhabitants.

On this land, once thriving, lived a little boy named (Y/N), Kaze D. (Y/N). A strange name that the people of his entourage did not understand, himself had not the answer. He lived with his mother and father who took care of his family and he was a samurai, working for the Shogun. A glamour for others who admired him, although his son contempted him.

The boy, who was 5 years old, was walking through the streets of the Flower Capital where the passers-by were walking and communicating with each other, dressed with elegant clothes. The shopkeepers attracted people to sell their products, especially beautiful jewels to attract the beautiful women dressed in their kimonos, even if most of the time, it was frauds.

Called out by a food vendor, the eyes of (Y/N) shone at the sight of udon. It was his favourite meal, so he came nearer before giving a golden plate to the man, the money used in Wano. Happy, he gobbled his noodles with his chopsticks before giving the bowl back to the man with a satisfied expression on his face.

(Y/N): It was delicious! He exclaimed his joy with an adorable expression on his face that made some women beside the boy laugh.

Woman: He's just adorable!

Woman: A little angel!

The attention of everyone was attracted by a sudden noise. A man, with his face covered, left a shop and ran at full speed, holding a case. The crowd was in panic as the people moved aside and let the thief, fled.

Shopkeeper: Catch him! He has stolen my money! He cried as he went out of his shop, pointing at the thief. To the surprise of everyone, (Y/N) began to pursue him, running at top speed. The people called him to come back, but he ignored them and was running fast in spite of his young age to catch the thief.

(Y/N): Stop! Curious to hear a childish voice, the thief turned his head away when he saw the young boy.

Thief: What? He exclaimed as he collided with civilians, collapsing on the ground as he scattered his gold from the case. In an attempt, he was trying to pick up the money before the arrival of the boy, who jumped and kicked the man in the stomach.

(Y/N): Take that, you stupid thief! Angry, the man suddenly grabbed the boy by the collar of his clothes. The man lifted the boy, who panicked, waving in all directions.

Thief: Fucking Brat! You amuse to play the vigilante!

(Y/N): Release me! The criminals like you deserve to go to prison!

Thief: Don't talk about things that you don't know! I don't have the choice to steal this money! he exclaimed with a tear in his eyes, surprising the child who calm down. Some samurais, who were responsible for keeping the peace in the neighbourhood, were arriving with their katanas before stopping in front of the thief who was panicked.

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