Preview: Red Snow Arc (Spoiler)

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Seagulls flew in the sky lit by the sun while sea creatures swam in the blue waters which contained countless wonders unknown to man. A ship was sailing across the sea as a sound seemed to come from the ship. A young man was sitting on the deck of the ship with a dial next to him playing music that the man was enjoying before being interrupted by the voice of a giant person.

???: What are you doing (Y/N)? Do you still listen to that singer's songs?

(Y/N): Oh, Yamato! I'm just listening to Uta's songs, I like her music.

Yamato: Everyone seems to like her, she is really the most popular singer in the world. Honestly, you don't need to pay attention to her when you have Kozuki Oden with you! She said with a bit of jealousy in her voice towards the singer!

(Y/N): Of course, I just have a useless fool on board my ship. You're my right-hand, but you are completely useless on the ship. Honestly, you give me a headache every time, so I have to listen to Uta's songs to feel better.

Yamato: I really hate you... She insulted the boy, who laughed at the angry woman before turning his gaze to the horizon with the wind blowing. A smile appeared on his face before disappearing as he turned to Yamato with a serious expression.

(Y/N): More seriously, Yamato, It's time to take stock of the situation of our crew.

Yamato: As you know, we are only four on the crew at the moment. Our situation is going well, although I think we need more companions, especially for essential roles such as a doctor. (Y/N) nodded at Yamato's statements as he watched the dial continuing to play music.

(Y/N): Exactly, we need to recruit more people, I even have a candidate in mind who could join the crew.

Elsewhere, far from the localization of (Y/N) and Yamato, on a cliff on an island, a young woman with long red and white hair with a fringe covering her left eye and a headphone around her ears. She observed the sea that stretched as far as the eye could see before closing her eyes on the beautiful natural landscape. Snow fell from the sky and touched her soft skin as she took a deep breath and began to sing a song.

(Y/N)'s ship was sailing through a dismal area with a thick fog before the crew noticed a massive silhouette rising to the sky to the shock of everyone since they had never seen such as huge beasts in their lives.

Yamato: We finally found him! (Y/N), Kiku, it's Zou! The elephant on which the Mink Tribe lives!


Kikunojo with her katana unsheathed, was facing a group of World Government agents who were threatening her with their guns, although she wasn't afraid since she could easily defeat them before they heard footsteps approaching, a strange tall man with a mask covering his face while he was wearing a white suit.

???: Pirate, you are under arrest, and we order you to tell us where is Wild Wind.

Kikunojo: What do you want with my little brother?

???: He can read the Poneglyphs, he's too dangerous for this world, so he must be neutralised.

Kikunojo: Do you think I will give (Y/N) up to you so that you will kill him? I won't reveal anything to you, but I'm rather going to strike you since you want to harm him!


A ship of the Beast Pirates was sailing towards an island with snow falling from the sky. The members of the ship seemed furious and ready to make a massacre with their guns loaded and swords unsheathed, especially a brother and his sister who were covered in bandages because of their wounds with pure rage in their eyes towards (Y/N) whom they wanted to catch and make suffer.

???: They will suffer for humiliating us! We're gonna to kick (Y/N)'s ass, okay Pay-Pay? She exclaimed as she jumped into her brother's arms.

???: Let go of me, big sister, you're hurting me! He shouted before the woman released him as he collapsed to his knees while the woman had tears in her eyes.

???: Oh my Pay-Pay, you suffer because of (Y/N). Don't worry, I swear I will kill him in an atrocious way!

???: Yeah... He said with a sigh.


A young man with blond hair was fighting with a pipe against an older man who still looked quite young. The older man hit the blond-haired man with a powerful punch as he coughed up blood and flew towards a house. The young man stood up and wiped the blood from his before smiling at his enemy who landed close to him.

???: You are really strong, but I want to understand why the prince of Uruk is on this island? What is your goal?

???: I can say the same thing, what brings the second of the Revolutionary Army here? What do you want, Sabo?


(Y/N) carried Uta on his back as he dodged the bullets flying toward him. The young man swept the soldiers away with a powerful gust of wind before flying away from the town, but he was surprised by the sudden appearance of a woman in a white suit who struck him with a powerful kick. He let go of Uta and was sent crashing to the ground, causing a cloud of dust to the young woman's fright.

Uta: (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Damn it! Where did she come from? He stood up complaining about his pain as his assailant landed in front of the singer before grabbing her by the hair to the man's anger.

Uta: Let go of me! She cried out, struggling uselessly.

(Y/N): You coward! Release her!

???: Keep quiet. Wild Wind, I advise you to surrender if you want this girl to live.

(Y/N): The Cipher Pol... I really hate you, you have destroyed Ohara!

CP0 agent: This was necessary to stop the demons who wanted to destroy the world. As one of the survivors, you must be eliminated to save the world because you are a danger.


(Y/N) and Uta were observing the sea crashing into the coasts of the island with a view of (Y/N)'s ship. The two were discussing various subjects, although (Y/N) seemed to have admiration for the singer, who laughed at the young man's behaviour.

Uta: Say (Y/N), what is your dream?

(Y/N): My dream?

Uta: Yes, you got it. So what is it? I'm all ears.

(Y/N): Would you like to do it with me?

Uta: Eh? What do you mean?

(Y/N): I will...

"???: What do you plan to do in the future (Y/N)?

(Y/N): What I plan to do... I will..."

(Y/N): I will create a new era!



Firstly, I wanted to thank you for the readings on this book, it makes me really glad, so I thank you all. I made this chapter by way of thanks, but also to announce the next arc, since the current arc will end soon in the next chapters, so I decided to announce the rest.

About Uta, I had the idea to include her in the story for a long time and with the release of the film Red, I finally decided to do it. Of course, I won't spoil the movie, that's why Uta will be different from her version of the film in order not to spoil the film, except for one or two elements, but this arc will be different from the film.

Anyway, I thank you all again and see you next time for the next chapter!

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