Chapter 4: Yokai

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(Y/N) and Yamato looked up at the person fighting the skeleton who collapsed against buildings, allowing the escape of the children, who were interrupted by the sudden landing of the person in front of them. She observed them as they were on their guard, undecided about this strange guy.

???: Young boy, It seems like this Gashadokuro wants to kill you... We can't stay here... She exclaimed as she grabbed the young children, surprised, and who were struggling to be released. However, it was useless because she was too strong for them and she did not intend to free them.

Yamato: Leave me alone!

(Y/N): Who... Who are you? He asked as his heart rate increased. The person with the katana began to run, traveling great distances to widen the gap with the creature that stood up and turned its attention towards the group.

???: I am O-Kiku. Unfortunately, I can't release you otherwise, this monster will kill you... I can't let children die!

(Y/N): But why? I've done nothing...

O-Kiku: I don't know, but anyway, I can't kill this monster. I don't know why...

Yamato: I hate you! She cried out, to the surprise of both, who turned their attentions to the girl who had stopped to struggle after listening to their discussion.

(Y/N): What?

Yamato: Shut up, stupid!

(Y/N): What are you saying?!

Yamato: It's all your fault, (Y/N)! It's you who summoned this Gashadokuro here!

(Y/N): Shut up, Yamato! That would never have happened if you didn't come to my house! Because of you, the Flower Capital will be destroyed!

Yamato: But you're the one who got this monster here, you are a moron!

(Y/N): Be quiet, Oni!

O-Kiku: Kids, calm down, it's not the time to argue with each other...

(Y/N): You're right, O-Kiku, so stop crying, Yamato!

Yamato: You say that, like you try to put the blame on me...

(Y/N): O-Kiku, what are we doing? This monster will destroy the whole city!

O-Kiku: Um... I think...

(Y/N): It's obvious, isn't it? We will fight him and save Wano!

Yamato: What?! What do you intend to do it? This guy has said that he can't kill him, so you really hope to win?

(Y/N): Gashadokuro... What is it?

O-Kiku: Uh... He's a Yokai. According to the Wano's legends, the Yokai are spirits that are invisible to the naked eye for humans, but they can appear in front of us if they want just like this skeleton...

Yamato: But these just are stories, they don't exist. She said as she shrugged her shoulders.

(Y/N): But this monster is here... He tried to kill us. Yamato, you should believe it, but Yokai really exist. He said as Yamato ground her teeth and sighed before nodding her head in response to the truth that she couldn't deny.

Yamato: So what can we do?

O-Kiku: In all likelihood, the way to defeat it would be to exorcize it, but we don't have any priest with us... At these words, (Y/N) fell silent, thinking before letting out a sound of surprise.

Yamato: Why are you screaming, stupid?

(Y/N): I... I think I can do it! Perhaps, I have the power to exorcize the Yokai! But I don't know if I can master this power... I should try it. He watched his hands to the stupefaction of the two others, who did not expect such a revelation from him, even though there was a lot of confusion about this power. It deserved more explanation.

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