Chapter 11: Ohara

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The first rays of sunlight appeared on Ohara island, passing through the windows of the houses to wake the local population for a new day that started. At the heart of the forest, the sunbeams touched the eyelids of the young boy as he slept peacefully in his bed.

The young boy woke up from his cosy and warm bed, different from the futons in which he was used to sleep. Unconsciously, he looked for Kikunojo, but he remembered that his friend was not on this island. He had a tear in his eye before wiping it as he tried to cheer himself up because he was a samurai who had to stay strong!

Later, (Y/N) was sitting at the table as he ate and read a book at the same time, the book was about different weapons around the world, with pictures to illustrate them. The boy was fascinated by all those weapons that he didn't know about, such as the various swords, he even noticed that there is a chapter dedicated to katanas.

(Y/N) : This book is amazing, it gave me an idea for my new technique!

The boy laughed before noticing his sword that was against the wall. He grabbed it before unsheathing it and admired the blade which reflected his face. A melancholy look with a sad smile appeared on his face as he observed the sword, gave him by Kikunojo.

"Kikunojo: (Y/N), you have made incredible efforts, and you are now able to fight with a sword, so I give you this sword as a reward for your hard work."

(Y/N): Kiku, I miss you...

Robin carried a basket that contained food with some new clothes for the boy offered by the archaeologists, they had helped him a lot in his new life, especially with the renovation of his house so that he could live inside. She arrived at the door of the house and heard a voice, so she came closer to the back of the house to see the young boy who was training with his katana as the sweat ran along his face.

Robin: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): AH! He took fright before turning his attention to Robin, who had scared him. He took a breath to calm down before smiling at the girl.

Robin: What are you doing?

(Y/N): It's obvious that I'm training.

Robin: Can you really fight with a sword? Who taught you that?

(Y/N): I learnt to fight thanks to Kikunojo, my friend, who is a powerful warrior. We live together, and she taught me to use a sword and hand-to-hand combat to make me strong. Even if, she is not here, I must continue my training.

Robin: I see... But you don't live with your parents? She said, noticing that the boy stopped smiling.

(Y/N): No... My situation with the family is complicated, my mother died, and my father kicked me out of the house before I was taken in by Kiku...

Robin: I'm sorry...

(Y/N): I'm fine, that was three years ago, I am better today, especially since I am lucky to have Kiku with me.

Robin: You seem to be very attached to her.

(Y/N): Of course, she is like my big sister! She has taken care of me during these last years despite the hard life in Wano, I am extremely grateful to her. However, I noticed something, why do you live with your aunt and your uncle?

Robin: My mother left for her research and she left me with her family who takes care of me.

(Y/N): Your mother left you for her work? Aren't you angry about that?

Robin: I don't know, I don't remember her, so I don't have any affection towards her even if I wish to meet her!

(Y/N): She is an egotist! It's the kind of person that I hate. Your mother abandoned you for her research while you suffer because of her decision, she didn't even think about what her daughter would feel! As for me, I act for the common good because I want to save the people of Wano, unlike your mother who thinks of her job instead of her own child!

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